Are you forgiving to yourself?

Are you forgiving to yourself?

We all make mistakes. And I don’t mean forgiving yourself for hurting others, I mean forgiving yourself for hurting yourself.

Doesn’t matter what’s your mistake.

Maybe your mistake somehow lead you to a very embarrassing situation, maybe it lead you to being hurt, maybe it lead you to losing something you badly wanted, losing a job opportunity, breaking up, can be just about anything.

Do you tell yourself that “It’s okay! I am only a human. I do make mistakes, I am as flawed as everyone else, next time, I’ll know better. I forgive you for not being perfect and I don’t want you to beat yourself up for something you can no longer change. Don’t be so hard to yourself.”

Don’t you think it’s important to treat yourself with the same understanding and compassion as you’d treat someone you love?

And if you do, doesn’t it help you to be more compassionate and forgiving to others too?

Are you forgiving to yourself?
17 Opinion