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11 mo

Have you ever wondered if your ex broke up with you to test you?

Nope. I just don't care. If she dumps me then I move on and never think about her. Break Up & Divorce

1 y

Should I Cancel my Facebook Friend Request with my EX And Move ON?

Unless you are actually friends after the break up (that can happen) then just move on. Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

How to spend Valentine’s Day if you are Single?

Throw a party for your single friends. Valentine's Day

+1 y

Do you check on your EX on social media?

Depends on the ex. Some of them I'm still really good friends with. The ones I'm not friends with, I wouldn't. I'm not the stalker type. Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

In honor of all women today... Have you seen the new “Captain Marvel” movie yet?

Not yet but I'll be taking my nephew to see it, he loves all the super hero movies. Women's Day

+1 y

I am shocked to see that some people don't like Valentines Day! ... WHY?

"boys would give sweet "I love you" cards and little candy hearts to me" Well of course you love it. People love Christmas too, if they got presents every Christmas as a child. Not every... Valentine's Day

+1 y

What is your 2019 New Years resolution?

I made my dad two promises the day he died. I've done the first. Time to tackle the second. Holidays

+1 y

Should I cheat on my husband?

He is a neurotic but controlling mess of a piece of shit. You're not doing either of you any good by letting him get away with that sort of emotional manipulation. Leave, get a divorce. He... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

How do you feel about Catcalling?

I don't have an opinion on it. I don't do it. It's not done to me. I don't see the big deal. Women's Day

+1 y

What are you looking forward to in 2018?

I have an anthology being published (book launch on Jan 24th) in which I have contributed. 2018 will be the year I get my published solo. Holidays

+1 y

Do you keep or delete pictures of your ex?

I keep everything because the past informs who I am now. I don't white wash it. Break Up & Divorce

+1 y


Of course he is- you started it though. Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

He's sharing a hotel room with his ex?

If it's a business trip, he doesn't pay for the rooms. The job does. So saying he can't afford a room, is bullshit. Either the job cannot afford to pay for a room, or he's lying. Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

My ex-boyfriend unfollowed me on instagram. Why?

It's more than likely that he kept going back to look at your page, then feeling miserable. To stop the self-destructive behavior , he unfollows you completely. Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

I love my girlfriend, but she went on a date with another guy, I'm a broken man and need some strength

You need to re-evaluate your relationship in light of what it actually is, and not the rosy colored fiction you thought it was. First warning signs that you're doing this wrong - "I have... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

My boyfriend still gets gifts from his ex. Is this acceptable?

Honestly, gifts don't matter that much to guys. We're not like girls in that way. Gifts and cards and what not, are highly transient things. The average guy will bin a card he receives (even his... Break Up & Divorce

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