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4 mo

This is me and my dad first Christmas with out my mom she died 5 weeks ago how should we celebrate it ?

Maintain your family traditions and share with each other memories of those traditions with your mom. Let your dad know you're both in this together, you're both hurting, but you'll both survive... Holidays

4 mo

Asked my fiancĂ© not to like other womens pics but saw that he reacted with a love heart emoji to a woman on fb, I’m in tears, am I being ridiculous?

It doesn't sound like either of you are ready for marriage. He's not respectful of your feelings and you feel entitled to control him. You knew from the start what his behavioral patterns were,... Relationships

4 mo

Do you ever feel like you're just not enough?

The question is whether you believe you're not enough for yourself or for others. No one will ever be able to meet all the expectations of others, so don't waste your time attempting. If they're... Relationships

4 mo

What is it like to be in a relationship with an age gap?

If you're looking for a meaningful relationship, and not just looking for short-term or to have needs provided for, stick to the same developmental stage. It has nothing to do with the number of... Relationships

4 mo

Happiness Loves Silence, Agree or Disagree?

Overtalking tends to be a greater measure of unhappiness. Silence can lead to assumptions based on fears or fantasies. Any extreme can be dysfunctional. The object is to be clear, concise, open... Relationships

4 mo

Why does she feel as though I’m judging her rather than trying to help her see what I’m seeing?

It's strange how often people ask our opinion and then get all worked up when we don't say what they want us to say. The problem I see is you gave your opinion rather than assisted her to expand... Dating

4 mo

Why do some couples act like enemies instead of partners?

The more intimate the relationship, the higher the expectations, as others will project the choices of those intimate ones on you. If someone on the other side of the world does a disgusting... Relationships

4 mo

How has your taste in the opposite gender changed as you’ve grown older and more mature?

I used to believe I was very flexible and could deal with anything. It wasn't that I was attracted to women with issues (anger, insecurity, yelling, self-centered, critical, controlling, etc.). It... Dating

4 mo

Why do we feel so insecure in a love relationship?

Insecurity comes from a sense of not measuring up. We have a strong need to belong and feel we have some worth in those places we belong. Sometimes, we have unrealistic expectations of ourselves,... Relationships

4 mo

How do you communicate effectively in a relationship?

Focus more on hearing and understanding the other person than being heard yourself. Show an interest in seeing things through the eyes of the other rather than base any decisions on assumptions.... Relationships

4 mo

What are your needs in a relationship?

I need to feel safe, secure and special, and that requires clear, concise, open, honest communication. I need to feel appreciated as I am, not for the potential I can become. Key red flags for me... Relationships

4 mo

Guys, Do guys actually like when someone else makes the first move? Or do they like making the first move themselves?

Guys aren't mind readers. They appreciate when a girl shows interest, as long as she doesn't come across too aggressive in her approach. You're just opening the door; it's up to him to determine... Dating

4 mo

Men, what would make a woman good enough for you to not cheat or leave her?

Feel good about herself and how that adds to the relationship. Take my feelings into consideration before saying or doing anything. Seek no more than she brings to the relationship. Never assume,... Relationships

4 mo

Could a College Nightclub Party Help a Wallflower Into Becoming More Social?

You're more likely to come out of your shell in a structured rather than non-structured situation. Do some volunteer work, or join an organization that promotes an interest of yours. Take on a... Relationships

4 mo

What is the meaning of clingy relationship?

A clingy relationship is one where an individual has no life other than the partner and is constantly expecting the partner to validate, give that person purpose and make them whole. They want to... Relationships

4 mo

My personality is a lot and off puts men should I act more normal and likeable or just wait for a guy who gets me?

Do you find it desirable when a guy farts constantly in your presence? Would you prefer he hold it back out of consideration? How would this be any different than your behavioral choices.... Dating

4 mo

Why is intimacy important in a romantic relationship?

First of all, realize intimacy is not limited to sex. People can have sex and not be intimate. It is common for people to masturbate on another person's body without sharing a true connection.... Relationships

4 mo

Is it bad I’ll never trust any guy I’ll end up with?

Learn about self-fulfilling-prophesies. When we're sure something will happen, we generally cause it to happen. That way, you don't have to accept responsibility for anything, as you declared it... Relationships

4 mo

How do you get the spark back in a relationship? How do you rekindle it?

The spark comes from creativity. This doesn't have to be extremes, but mix up the variety of things the two of you have discovered work well for you, rather than maintain a rigid routine. Show... Relationships

4 mo

How do you end a relationship that doesn't satisfy your expectations?

Be honest and let the other person know the relationship isn't working for you. It has nothing to do with his value as a person, but it's different from what you are seeking from a partner. Don't... Relationships

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