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9 h

Do you get distant and cold after being away from your partner for a few days?

Sadly distance can effect the bond you have for each other , 10 days is a long time to be away from someone you love and care about , because there is so much space in between you both to a point... Relationships

10 h

If a 23-year-old man is interested in a 17-year-old girl, what could be the reason? (age of majority is 18 in the country I live in)?

He is interested in her because he is attracted to her , Age doesn’t really define the chemistry and connection and attraction you have towards someone , so if he really likes this 17 year old ,... Dating

1 d

Have you ever dated your co-worker?

No but I had sex with a few Dating

1 d

Why don’t guys want to date or marry a girl who’s a slut?

Because she more than likely isn’t loyal and she probably has some sort of STD’s Dating

1 d

My girlfriend is draining me financially. How will I stop it?

It won’t stop until you dump her ass , sadly you fell for a high maintenance girl that thinks she should be catered to , if you don’t cater her? She will find someone else that will, I been in... Relationships

1 d

Guys, Have you ever been falsely accused of a crime by a woman you were in a relationship with?

Yes, it usually occurs when she is cheating on you or about the cheat on you , she is trying to play a victim , instead of admitting she is a piece of shit , she points fingers at you , by making... Relationships

1 d

My friends want to meet my boyfriend, but he is a waiter. I am embarrassed. What should I do?

Looks like you will be having an ex boyfriend soon Dating

2 d

Men, how would you feel if your girlfriend said she wasn’t satisfied sexually?

It kills his ego , and makes him feel like he isn’t good enough for you? , most guys’ take those remarks seriously and to the heart because it kills his ego, I know guys’ that cheated on their... Relationships

2 d

What do you think of open relationships?

I never been in one so I couldn’t really tell you , I been with girls’ that told me they were in one , whether they were telling me the truth or not , I didn’t really care , I still banged her... Relationships

2 d

My boyfriend said he prioritizes work more than me. Is that bad?

He was dumb to say that to you , it’s not bad that he is prioritizing work for you and his future together , but work should never be a priority over your partner period , So don’t take his words... Relationships

2 d

What the funniest thing you've done to get back at someone?

It sounds like you need to end that friendship with her if she is getting jealous about anything you do , that is sadly a toxic trait that she has inside of herself , you are best to just move on... Relationships

2 d

Should I report my fiancé for punching me?

Ummm dump his ass now!!! don’t think for a second that he will not eventually do that to you again , you are setting yourself up for disaster by forgiving him. You are setting yourself up to be... Dating

2 d

Since I’m in my mid 40’s, is it creepy for me to find women in their 20s and 30s attractive?

No you aren’t , maybe to some people you are , but who gives a fuck what other people think or say , it’s your life and and your choice. , I am the same way you are , I prefer younger girls ‘... Dating

2 d

How to tell a guy you want to be more than friends with benefits?

Tell him , make it clear to him that you only want him and no one else. He will either give you a yes or a No answer , if he says No, than you are best to move on Relationships

2 d

Is dating a trans woman gay?

It’s not straight Dating

2 d

When your significant other is making love to you , do you often fantasize that it was someone else and not your SO?

No, that means you should end your marriage and set your husband free , so he can find himself a girl that only has eyes from , you are a selfish person if you string him along Relationships

2 d

Why does my girlfriend never compliment me?

Cuz she doesn’t really appreciate you , she just likes the convenience of you , kick her ass to the curb and find yourself a girl that values and appreciates you Relationships

3 d

What was the reason your last relationship didn’t work out?

She was selfish and only really cared about herself , she only wanted things to go her way , , kind of like what your ex did to you. You no longer are a priority to them , they just treat you like... Break Up & Divorce

3 d

Is chasing a man for a long time after breakup ruining my chance to get him back?

Yes, you are wasting your time , because you are coming off as desperate to him , if he really wanted to work things out with you? , you wouldn’t be chasing for long. You are best just to move on... Break Up & Divorce

3 d

Do you agree women shouldn't insult men to their friends?

Yes I agree , but sadly guys’ and girls’ do this shit to each other , not realizing the damage it could do to their relationship Dating

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