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+1 y

What Do You Think About Morbidly Obese People?

I don't think of someone morbidly obese very differently than I'd think of someone in better shape. It's not my place to judge them on their lifestyle, diet choices, etc.. On the odd... Health & Fitness

+1 y

How can I help my girlfriend with her back probelms?

I get a lot of lower back pain pretty often, especially in the week preceding my period. When my boyfriend asks me what he can do to help me feel better, cuddling and him pulling me close is... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Are you one of those people who go to the hospital or the clinic?

Nope. If anything, I'm the opposite. I by far prefer to just suffer through or treat things like a sore throat/stomach ache/congestion, etc., on my own versus going to the clinic and having to... Health & Fitness

+1 y

How do I calm my anxiety down?

Working out has always helped me keep my anxiety to a minimum. It's great because it's something that will help you feel better not only mentally, but physically as well. Bonus being that it's... Health & Fitness

+1 y

How long does it take to get a toned body (like the one in the picture down below)?

I doubt that you'll be able to not only shed the excess body fat, as well as tone up enough to look like the girl in the second picture in 10 months. The only way I can see that being possible... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Any benefit of going to the gym rather than working out at home?

There's a lot more equipment at the gym than I could ever have at home. More variety in terms of types as well as weights. Plus, my home could never provide the eye-candy I can enjoy at the gym... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why do people always undermine and take so lightly the effort it takes to get a nice body?

Because it helps them feel better about their own laziness. The less unattainable they make it seem, most lazy people living in denial will be able to delay buying that gym membership or starting... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Would it be fun getting in shape with my girlfriend? Is it a good idea?

yes, definitely. You can do things like go to the gym together in the winter (do your own things for the mostpart then help each other stretch and whatnot in the end to make it a bit more... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Who else here hates snorers?

eh. I'd prefer someone I'm sleeping in the same room with to not be a snorer, but I wouldn't say that I hate them. I mean.. my boyfriend snores occasionally. Thankfully I always have my trusty ear... Health & Fitness

+1 y


Not eating for long portions of time, or starving yourself, would result in some bloating. When your body retains as much water/sugar as it possibly can, putting a halt on the metabolism of most... Health & Fitness

+1 y

So, I have wide ish feet. Would it be better to have surgery to narrow them down or just leave them be?

No. Leave them be. It's not worth messing with something that is how it is (in respect to size, width, and overall appearance) for a reason. Evolution and the 'success' or how the human species... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do you have sympathy for people who are obese?

No. I have zero sympathy for people that I see who are basically 5x my body weight and are walking around carrying a 2L bottle of Coke in one hand and a bag from McDonald's in the other. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Soreness after workout?

Your muscles are worn out. That's good that you stretch and all, but you should take a break day after a couple days of working out straight. Your muscles get stronger by literally tearing... Health & Fitness

+1 y

When should I cut down on eating so much food?

You should cut down on eating more than your body needs (as in, you're gaining weight) any time. Now would be perfectly fine. Even if you have a fast metabolism, you should learn to eat within... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Is 18 miles on an indoor bike good?

It depends on how hard you were going to reach that distance. On what the resistance was set to, what your average pace was. How long it took you to amass 18 miles of distance... I mean, if it... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why younger generation has become so health-freaky?

Natural Health & Fitness

+1 y

If staying under the sun gives you “skin cancer”, then why there are so many “rednecks” who reach 60+ years old?

Its' not like 100% of people who spend a lot of time under the skin without using any form of protection like sun-screen or wearing a hat will get skin cancer and die. Similarly how not all people... Health & Fitness

+1 y

How do you work out when it's hot out?

I go to the gym, then. It'll still be hotter than usual but no pain no gain. Working out in a big room that has a pretty strong a/c system going is much better than skipping several workouts in a row. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why don't people like fit people anymore?

Hating on people who are pretty fit has become more popular due to it being a convenient and readily accessible coping mechanism for those who don't have the means to put in more work towards... Health & Fitness

+1 y

How much money would you spend to drop weight?

Other than spending money on gym membership, buying a bike or things for my bike like new tubes/air compressors and such, I wouldn't spend money to lose weight. Though it's great that you lost... Health & Fitness

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