Are you one of those people who go to the hospital or the clinic?

for something as minor as a cold or stomach ache flu to put an example?

I know people who for the smallest symptom of a sore throat they go to the clinic to be checked out even if they have to wait in line for hours just to be attended.

Im not talking about something serious or that it will turn out serious but things any people get in time, colds, stomach ache.

There was a coworker today that she was fine in the morning and hours later she started to throw up, and she said she did not eat anything bad, so she got a leave of absence for the day to go to the clinic to see what is wrong. She said probably it is viral or something but probably since it is a public clinic she will have to wait hours and hours to get attended.

I think some people, not all of course, made a big deal out of some health symptoms, when clearly you can see they are simple, not dangerous or grave symptoms of something. Like flu, cold, stomache aches, headaches. I heard and witness that many people absent from work for simple things like because the doctors at the public clinics give the person a leave of absense and they dont go to work for several days and at the end it was just symptoms of common illnesses liek flus, stomach aches, colds that you can treat by going to the drugstore and ask for a pill from he pharmacy specialist.
Are you one of those people who go to the hospital or the clinic?
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