Guys, would you date a woman who went to the extremes like this?

Guys, would you date a woman who went to the extremes like this?

28-year-old model and tattoo artist Sarah Castillo, who goes by Sarah Sabbath on Instagram, loves the way she looks, even if people label her as satanic because of it.

She started her tattoo journey at the age of 14, and has spent over $15,000 modifying her body.

So far, she's had her ears pointed, eyes tattooed, forehead scarification, some big gauge punched holes in her nostrils, labret and dahlia piercings, forehead and breast implants, and a rhinoplasty.

While Sarah loves her look, she admitted that her highly religious mother is hardly a fan – and she's not the only one.

Sarah admitted, "People assume I’m satanic or mean and I’m not," adding, "As far as I am aware satanism is a kind of religion and it is not one that I practice. But because I look different from what people expect, they think it is OK to call me names like that."

For having breast transplants, she doesn't look very busty.

1 y
This is the same girl (at least had the same name -Sarah Sabbath- who went partially blind from having her eyes tattooed.
1 y
This her when she first started with her tattoos in 2008 when she went by Sarah Castillo.
Guys, would you date a woman who went to the extremes like this?
101 Opinion