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+1 y

Public Places Behaviors I Just Hate

I have the baby ob board sign but that's only because i have a baby on board and hope it will encourage people to drive less insanely around me (e. g. not tail gate) Society & Politics

+1 y

Why as a Man with Leftist Values, I Hate the Modern Left

examining point two and obviously what you consider left and right as an italian tends to vary to degrees with what we consider left and right in the US. in america strangely Liberals have... Society & Politics

+1 y

Recognize Humanity

beautiful take... the world needs so much more of this Society & Politics

+1 y

The rise of the Global Far Right and the politics of fear.

you may want to read... and it's long this article it's pretty brilliant non-bias presentation on the rise of nationalism in the faces of globalism.... Society & Politics

+1 y

My Thoughts on Prisons Offering TV to Inmates

i guess perhaps there could be a very limited amount of time to watch certain entertainment programming otherwise i think television watching should only be of programs that will help the inmates... Society & Politics

+1 y

4 Reasons Why Americans Should Just Deal With The New President

the re-count in the bush election was due to issues on california ballots. it actually led to a change in the way florida did it's ballotting i don't think you can decide what is a minor... Society & Politics

+1 y

2016 WAS A Sad Year - 7 Celebrities We Will Remember Forever

solid list. i was in a funk for a few days after David Bowie died Leon Russell this week. i think he is an often underappreciated genius who shaped rock and roll. was the first to sign tom... Society & Politics

+1 y

White Women to Blame for Not Shattering Glass Ceiling in the US? Absurdity at Its Finest

who are these liberals blaming white women? i've truly never really heard this. aside from US presidency nearly every other ceiling has been shattered. and outside of the US more than a few... Society & Politics

+1 y

11 Great Military Leaders and Warriors/Soldiers That Deserve Some Attention

nice list. i like the nod to general schwarzkopf i feel like a lot of list tend to focus on WWII and earlier but he was a great military mind Society & Politics

+1 y

Stop Comparing Hitler and Trump

i don't really see how until he kills 6 million people you can't compare them comparisons aren't about 100% similarity it's about similarities in general. Society & Politics

+1 y

Proof That Racism is Pointless: Mongoloid Origins of Modern Scandinavians

well this is why racism shouldn't exist. but sadly as a construct the logic of racism's absurdity is lost on people. racism isn't built on sound logic, objectivity or rational thought but rather... Society & Politics

+1 y

Deal With What You Have, Accept Who You Are!

what you are describing sounds like "self actualization". i learned about this in health class in middle school it essentially means know you limitations and accept them. it's a idea i've... Society & Politics

+1 y

9 Things You Didn't Know About the Nazis

cool list. another thing that many don't know are the incredibly engineering and military feats. one massive one that stuck out to me in a documentary i watched recently. the Nazis developed... Society & Politics

+1 y

The Problem With White Knights

you simply make a generalization about white knights based on your experience with a very VERY small few of them. it sounds to me like you maybe dealt with some jerks and unfair people but... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why Hillary Clinton Supporters Lack Intelligence

"But they say nothing about Hillary having a reputation for defending rapists." -- she was a lawyer. she did what lawyers do. she had to take a case and make the best defense for her client.... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why Do Atheists Care?

i'm neither an atheist or a believer... but any religious person who is critical of atheist for espousing their ideas is very hypocritical. religions, especially Christianity, have made it a... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

The Righteous Party: Democrats or Republicans?

i don't think any party is righteous. it's more about those within the party. there are plenty of despicable people on both sides and good people on both sides. i do think one party has more... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why Haven't You Solved All the World's Problems Yet?

there is a saying by Bernard Baruch "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind." this quote sprang to mind when i read this... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why I Disagree With Most of Feminist Ideology

the feminist ideology is simple "the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men." the feminazi ideology is NOT the feminist ideology... Society & Politics

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