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1 mo

Guy I'm seeing was sending rude texts about me to his friend?

No guy who really likes you for more than sex is going to treat you like a fly to swat away and imply as much, not even to his guy friends. "been with some girl since yesterday" and then said "but... Dating

1 mo

Why do incels expect women to lower their standards while not being willing to lower their own?

Women do lower their standards, regardless of whether incels hope for it or not. Women pick and choose what men they are going to have high standards for. If they're looking for money they will... Dating

1 mo

Why are women less pressurized to be good in bed?

Men want good sex, but if they aren't getting it they're scared to complain. Most women think all they need to do is show up simply because they're women. So then the guys will cheat with a woman... Dating

1 mo

Do women use dating sites just for attention?

I don't think they're using dating sites just for attention, because they can always just use social media for that. But with what you describe they do, it's probably that they're looking for sex... Dating

1 mo

How can I cope with the fact that im almost 30 and never had a girlfriend or had sex before?

I'm not gonna tell you to try to look good or build up your self-esteem, I'm sure you already know those things. I think what is probably holding you back - and what holds back a lot of guys in... Dating

1 mo

What do you think about dating single mom?

It can be tricky. I dated one when I was a young guy, and pursued another later on. Both did not end well. That's not to say all single moms are red flags - and I have single-mom friends, but I do... Dating

1 mo

Guys, Hi, I went on a date a few weeks ago. we texted a lot the week after.. texting has dwindled down. should I ask him for a second date?

I'm not seeing an issue here. You both chatted at one of his shows or whatever and he said let him know if you go out the next night. He obviously wants to stay connected, so it's up to you to... Dating

1 mo

In dating, do you think there are more guys catching on to the games that girls play or more girls catching on to the games that guys play?

Definitely guys catching on to the games more, because most men were not taught about the slimy stuff women can do when they were young, they had to find it out through trial and error. Parents... Dating

1 mo

Why do most men on dating apps get sexual within a conversation in no time?

So @bobby_bush_eater made a point that I was going to touch on but I'll elaborate a little bit. Most guys know there's always a woman out there who is down to fuck, even if it's only one or two on... Dating

1 mo

Guys and ladies, why do you need to tell a co worker about your love life?

Definitely NOT my co-workers. I don't tell them who I date at all, they are already nosy and gossipy as it is. Dating

1 mo

Why are white men’s partners mostly average looking women?

Cannot say this is common for white guys (and I'm black). I've seen plenty of white guys with hot women of other races, but I've seen some who were with mediocre or unattractive ones as well. If... Dating

1 mo

Guys, Would y'all date these girls and are they yalls type? And what ratings do you give them? And which is your favorite to least favorite?

1, 5, and 6 look ghetto. 3, 4, and 7 have the every day look that I like. 4 is no.1 for me. I am a total sucker for women with thick eyebrows, especially Indians and middle eastern chicks, which I... Dating

2 mo

Who has a harder time apologizing to someone when they are wrong just for general principle (and not for what’s in it for them)?

You were very fortunate for her to apologize and realize she was a dickhead. Most women don't want to respect men's feelings and feel like a guy is being a baby because he doesn't want to take... Dating

2 mo

Which year are you nostalgic of?

1999 and 2005. 1999 because I was all excited about Star Wars: The Phantom Menace coming out, and also because of all the hype about the year 2000 coming. I liked the way the whole world was... Dating

2 mo

Men and women, do you prefer younger or older in dating?

Older women 1,001% please. That last one in the blue is hot. Is that Faith Hill? Dating

2 mo

Are ghostings getting out of control?

I lean towards it getting out of control, yes. Because nowadays it's so easy to just ignore somebody you talk to on an app or even your phone. And the dangerous thing about it is that you never... Dating

2 mo

What does it mean when your boyfriend goes around telling other women they're single?

Wait, do you mean telling other women that he is single? Or telling other women that you are single? If it's A it's because he's looking to cheat. Clear and simple. Dating

2 mo

If you walked in and your girlfriend was dressed like this what would be your reaction?

Pull off the undies and start eating the puss. Dating

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