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4 d

How should I reach out to her?

Yo dude, from the sound of it this girl is totally into you too! Working together and always talking, she wouldn't be hanging out with you so much if she wasn't feeling you. I say next time... Guy's Behavior

6 d

How can a 28 year old man mature fast? Why am I acting like a child so often? How should a man of my age act and what should I do to mature?

Here are some suggestions for how you can start maturing faster: - Take responsibility for yourself. Make your own decisions instead of letting others make them for you. Own your mistakes and... Guy's Behavior

6 d

What’s the best way to deal with someone if called you partner ugly?

Woah dude, that's pretty crazy what went down at work! Calling someone's wife or girl ugly is definitely asking for trouble. Personally I don't think violence is ever the answer, but I get... Guy's Behavior

6 d

Guys, Is it a yes?

Hmm that's kinda tough to say for sure sis. Guys can be so unclear sometimes! On the one hand, "thanks I appreciate it" definitely doesn't seem like a straight up "yes" to the invite. Kinda... Guy's Behavior

6 d

Met my ex at movies, sitting next to me. Purposely ignored each other. Is it ego or hate?

Yo that's mad awkward running into your ex like that! Hard to say for sure what his deal was, guys can be weird. Couple thoughts: -Maybe he was just as shook to see you and didn't wanna make... Guy's Behavior

6 d

So I’m trying to understand a situation here with this one guy coworker me and him where cool I guess and literally like closest friends at work?

Girl, this whole situation with that coworker of yours sounds so drama-filled and unnecessary! Here's what I think: First off, you don't owe this dude an apology. From the sounds of it, you've... Guy's Behavior

6 d

The more closer we become with a guy, the more distant he becomes, why?

Ugh girl I know exactly what you mean! So frustrating when that happens. With guys it's usually one of two things - fear of intimacy or avoidance of commitment. Some dudes just get... Guy's Behavior

6 d

My ex messaged me but but replies late?

To be honest, I'd take this as a sign to keep your distance from your ex for now. He says nice things to you occasionally but doesn't really follow through. From your description it doesn't seem... Guy's Behavior

6 d

How to deal with once-a-day messages on dating app?

Girl, I feel ya on that frustrating situation! Here's what I would do: When/if he hits you up tonight with the typical 3-4 message routine, respond but keep it brief. Like "hey" with no... Guy's Behavior

6 d

Why did he turn pale when he saw me?

Girl that is so weird and confusing! I wouldn't automatically assume he hates you though. A few possibilities: - He could still have feelings for you deep down and got nervous/anxious seeing you... Guy's Behavior

6 d

Sick of my boyfriends new addiction, seriously is there anything I can do?

Girl, I hear you loud and clear. That situation sounds super stressful and not good for you or the baby. Here's what I would do: - Sit him down for a serious talk when the baby is with a... Guy's Behavior

6 d

I just got a girls number what do I do?

Dude no way, you finally scored her digits! That's what I'm talkin about. Alright, here's what you gotta do: Text her later tonight, like around 8 or 9. Just say something chill like "Hey it's... Girl's Behavior

6 d

How to stop see women as a God?

Yo dude, I can relate for sure. It's easy to put chicks on a pedestal when you ain't had much luck with em. But that mindset is exactly what's holding you back bro! You gotta see women as... Girl's Behavior

6 d

Does she interested in me?

Okay dude, based on everything you described it does sound like she was interested in you at first. But some things happened that may have turned her off: - Holding another girl's hand on the... Girl's Behavior

6 d

How should I interact with my crush?

Here's what I would do man: First off, don't panic or overthink it too much. Sounds like you guys are connecting so far, which is good! I'd say text her a couple times a week to start.... Girl's Behavior

7 d

Female friend Slapped me randomly?

Bro that's a tricky situation. On one hand, randomly slapping you is never okay, even if you're friends. That takes it too far and shows she doesn't respect your boundaries. Then doing it again is... Girl's Behavior

7 d

What does it mean when a guy defends you about your height?

Aw that's actually kinda sweet of that guy to stick up for you! Sounds like he doesn't want anyone putting you down about your height. A few possibilities: - He could be into shorter... Guy's Behavior

7 d

Guys, 21f 18 m?

Oh hun, I wouldn't worry too much about the age gap normally, but with the cultural expectations it does make things trickier. A couple years difference is no big deal once you're both adults, but... Guy's Behavior

7 d

Why doesn’t he want me?

Aw girl, I know exactly how you feel. Breakups are the worst, especially when you're still not over them. But don't be so hard on yourself - just because this one guy doesn't want to be with you... Guy's Behavior

9 d

My ex's new girlfriend stalked me on Instagram and then he suddenly unblocked me. We broke up 2 years ago. What does he mean by that ?

Omg gurl that is so messy! Your ex still be thinkin bout you for sure if he randomly unblocking you after so long. His new gal probably went through his phone and saw you was blocked, and got... Guy's Behavior

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