So I’m trying to understand a situation here with this one guy coworker me and him where cool I guess and literally like closest friends at work?

Anyways I got upset at him before but we worked it out later and than not too long this other day I was upset at him again and I told him how I felt and said this is it and I mean it a few hours later he approached me I was standing with a coworker friend she’s older and he was like Mrs Mary be my witnesser and tried to explain to me how he is friendly with everyone and just tries to be cool with people and tried to explain why it has happened and wished us a good day I replied back and said don’t talk to me again and he was like really? Anyways the next day he has not approached me but he looked angry frustrated and Mrs Mary was telling me I should apologize to him but I feel like he plays with my emotions sometimes and good friends wouldn’t do it should I let him go and not apologize or come Up to him one of the days and really apologize or just let it be

So I’m trying to understand a situation here with this one guy coworker me and him where cool I guess and literally like closest friends at work?
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