What does it mean when you see your ex’s name everywhere?

Hey so I had a situation-ship with someone I guess online for 1.5 years. We both really liked each other and we’re waiting for the border to open so we can officially date.

we had an argument at the end of April and decided to take a break. By mid may he was already talking/dating someone else and by End of June they were in a official relationship.
I was very hurt but the border is still closed so I understand that the distance just wasn’t working as well anymore we did wait 1.5 years.
I went to see him at the end of August and we had amazing chemistry and an amazing connection. He is in a relationship now tho so we agreed to try to start over and remain friends. We both did no contact for about 2 months.
here’s where things get sticky. Im moving over there originally it was so I could be there with him, now my life has just led me to their with my job offers. He is a leasing consultant and offered to get me an apartment essentially making him my landlord.
I tried the no contact. I tried dating apps and I kid you not literally every other guy either had his first name or his second name. Why is it that his name keeps popping up everywhere?
i am not a home wrecker and I’m going to to everything I can to honestly and genuinely just be his friend because we have a close connection and despite liking each other a while ago we were friends. Although ngl apart of my honestly things we would work out and be really good for each other…. his sister evermessaged me after the “break up” and said I made her brother extremely happy and hopefully we can both grow from this and maybe we will be back together in the future. Any advice?
What does it mean when you see your ex’s name everywhere?
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