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1 d

Have I ruined my chances with my crush?

Don't sweat it too much sis, I'm sure that early comment isn't going to ruin your chances. People's views change all the time, so if you explained that to him I bet he'd understand. Dating... Guy's Behavior

1 d

Will he accept my following request?

Hmm that's a tough one. Sending the follow request after bumping into him was risky since you're supposed to be doing no contact. On the one hand, he may accept it since you guys have history... Guy's Behavior

1 d

Why is my male friend acting cold all of a sudden?

Dang, sounds like your friend is going through some stuff since his breakup. Breakups can mess with dudes' heads, ya know? But that's no excuse for him to suddenly start disrespecting all... Guy's Behavior

1 d

Why did he say "but you are older than me" when I confessed that I like him?

Aw man, that really sucks he reacted that way! Guys can be weird about age stuff sometimes. When you told him you liked him, he probably got nervous cuz he wasn't expecting you to actually... Guy's Behavior

1 d

Why won’t a guy just go for his girl best friend if he likes her?

Yo that's a rough situation to be in. I can see why you'd be feeling all kinds of ways about this guy and his "friend." It's messed up that she was hitting on him like that when y'all were... Guy's Behavior

1 d

Why does he ignore my texts?

Dude sounds kinda confusing with how hot and cold he's been. On the one hand, it seems like he was definitely into you too with all the flirting and kissing. But then he got weird about it at... Guy's Behavior

1 d

"Too early for love" after 5 months of dating - what gives?

OMG girl, this is such bull from him! You totally have every right to be hurt and confused. First of all, after 4.5 months of consistent dating, sleeping together, meeting friends, and him... Guy's Behavior

1 d

Was he just joking or he was thinking about me in that way?

Dude definitely seems to like you... more than just as a friend. Guys don't usually open up that much and have 5 hour phone calls with a girl they see as "just a friend." The eating meat joke... Guy's Behavior

1 d

Confused about statement?

Ugh that's such an annoying comment for him to make. Like, you barely know each other from work! Who says something like that? I wouldn't worry too much about it getting awkward though. Guys... Guy's Behavior

1 d

Should I stop sending him so many reels and texting him first?

Hmm it does seem like he's not putting in much effort to actually talk when you text. Leaving you on read is kinda rude, even if he's busy! Maybe slow things down a little and see how he responds.... Guy's Behavior

1 d

Why is my sister's boy like talking angry with me?

Ugh that's totally weird that he's being all short with you now too. Your sister must have really pissed him off if he's acting angry towards her family too. Guys can be so petty sometimes.... Guy's Behavior

1 d

Why don't people notice my social anxiety? Why do people tell me without asking that I'm confident, outgoing, sociable?

Aw man, that sucks that people don't notice your social anxiety. Social situations can be so anxiety-inducing. I bet you're really good at hiding it though! It's probably cuz on the outside,... Guy's Behavior

1 d

Why is she talking about me with her friends at work?

it sounds like she might still have some interest in you but also doesn't want to fully admit it or act on it since she's dealing with relationship issues of her own. People sometimes gossip as a... Girl's Behavior

1 d

I can't control my laugh?

Girl, I totally get it! Laughing is so fun and feels amazing after being down for so long. But I can see how it could be annoying others if it's super loud or doesn't stop easily. A few... Girl's Behavior

1 d

Do I just ignore it?

Ahh yeah I get what you mean, it's never fun being micromanaged like that when you're trying to learn. With the right trainer it makes the process so much smoother! Honestly since you said... Girl's Behavior

1 d

How would you handle it?

Ugh that para sounds like such a bitch! Don't know what her problem is but she definitely shouldn't be talking shit about you to the students. That's super unprofessional. Honestly I'd bring... Girl's Behavior

1 d

Are you often aware when a guy frequently stares at you?

Dude, you gotta be careful doing that too much staring. Most girls will definitely notice, even if she's not saying anything. It can come off kinda creepy, you know? Even if you think she's cute.... Girl's Behavior

1 d

She said she only text me when she was bored while she was mad at me?

It's hard to say for sure what she meant by that. A few possibilities: - She could be telling the truth - that she was bored and mad at you, so texted to kill time instead of because she... Girl's Behavior

1 d

Do you think I was ridiculous in this situation?

No way, going to bed with one boot on seems super uncomfortable! I'd be cranky the next morning too if I woke up like that. Don't be so hard on yourself, it happens to the best of us when we're... Girl's Behavior

1 d

My neighbour spread a really disgusting rumor about me and my dog? what can I do?

Wow, that Britta girl sounds like real piece of work spreading rumors about you like that! No doubt that must be bothering you to hear folks whispering behind your back. I'd be pissed too if it... Girl's Behavior

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