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+1 y

How do you deal with damaged women when it comes to relationships and dating?

I usually go slower than normal when dating them. Allow them to feel comfortable opening up to you and help them understand you won't judge them for their missteps. Relationships

+1 y

How do you know you're in love with someone?

After years of dating I've boiled it down to one undeniable clue/tell that I'd recognize no matter what, I sing . Not just with the music but I sing out loud and off key with no shame. Haven't... Relationships

+1 y

Why do both men and women do everything they can to justify cheating, including blaming their partner?

Human nature I would guess. "It's okay if I do it, because I'm me and I'm never wrong." Relationships

+1 y

Do you think that men and women generally get along well together?

As long as it's not online, absolutely. Relationships

+1 y

Why does my girlfriend's past bother me so much?

I'm just guessing but I'd say it bothers you because it took her that long to figure out what she needed in a partner. It's not so much the numbers but the intelligence behind them. Relationships

+1 y

Boyfriends friends exclude me from gatherings yet invite the other girlfriends? Please give me some advice on what to do?

Maybe you're the real party or at least the one your boyfriend really wants to be at. So he could just be placating his friends by showing up to the parties. Or he may think you're too good for... Relationships

+1 y

Have you ever had a speeding ticket/fine?

Never but that has to to do with the fact I still like driving 69 miles an hour in a 70mph zone. It makes me laugh on the way to work. Other

+1 y

Do you get mad when someone pranks you? Why or why not?

I tease but I don't prank. Pranks abuse trust and I have enough issues there. So I don't need to inflict it on others. Plus it almost always escalates. Other

+1 y

Which stereotype do you hate the most about your own gender?

"All Men Want Is Sex" Ladies please get over yourselves. I've got bigger and better things to worry about besides your swagger. Other

+1 y

Why is loyalty too much to ask for these days?

Because we live in an age of instant gratification and if it doesn't work out like that most people lose focus. Relationships

+1 y

Short people, what's the worst thing about being short?

I imagine the gas attacks are the worst thing about being short. As for tall people having to duck all the time would tick me off to no end. Other

+1 y

Why do people think bisexuals are more likely to cheat?

I would imagine it's because people prefer those that make one clear choice. The term itself sounds like someone's confused, like taking a two choice test and someone pencilled in a third choice.... Relationships

+1 y

What do you do when you get ghosted?

Move on. I have no time for weak people. Relationships

+1 y

Are you afraid of falling in love?

No I'm afraid of making more excuses for it in the quest to find it. Relationships

+1 y

Why do men complain about women only wanting men for money even though they only want women for sex?

I can totally see why both sides do that. Life is all about maximizing resources. Relationships

+1 y

Is assassin's creed odyssey any good I just bought it?

If I play AC it's either Black Flag or Syndicate. Everything else seemed too boring of a time frame. Other

+1 y

How do I know I can safely open up to a girlfriend?

Love's a gamble without refund. Best be lucky. Relationships

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