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1 mo

What's a good heartbreak song?

Baby, don’t you break my heart slow by Vonda Shephard Break Up & Divorce

1 mo

Would you rather make the first move or would you keep waiting for them to do so?

If he’s taking so Damn long, I might just have to make that move! Dating

1 mo

Have you ever hated someone to begin with and then you started to like them?

Hate is a strong word to use against a stranger. Maybe dislike if they have shown me disrespect or we just don’t vibe well. And yes I have. My best friend and I started that way. The more we hung... Relationships

1 mo

I haven’t been kissed before, how does it feel?

Feels like you’re out of breath and drowning in the moment of pure bliss and ecstasy. Especially if it’s from someone you’re into! Dating

1 mo

How do you want someone to tell you that they like you?

Never ever use friendship as an excuse to later tell me you like me. I take friendships seriously. So if you don’t really want to be my friend because you want to be more than that, then don’t... Relationships

1 mo

How much do you put up with from other people?

You deserve what you tolerate… so many times, I’ve been burnt by my own tolerance. NOT ANYMORE. I don’t give access to people just like that anymore. Once I sense disrespect and shadiness, I just... Relationships

1 mo

Who do you think gets jealous easier/faster: girls or guys?

Jealousy has no gender. Once they feel a threat to their relationship, green eyes activated. Dating

1 mo

Why do some single women keep being single so much? Isn't there anybody good enough for them?

Because the one they want don’t want them. Or they’ve been single way too long, they’re happier doing whatever they’re doing Dating

1 mo

Is there anything that I can do to not be seen as his family?

Maybe his wife? 🥰 🥹 💒 Dating

1 mo

How do you know if a man loves you from his body language?

If his words and actions match. And he’s consistent. Dating

1 mo

How do women perceive well dressed men?

I like people who dress nice and well. It means they take pride in themselves. Yes it is attractive. Fashion & Beauty

1 mo

Do you think Love is a Choice?

We don’t really choose who to like or love. We can’t help but like or love someone especially if they’re so darn adorable and lovable! That’s why sometimes our love ones see the red flags that we... Relationships

1 mo

My Chinese boyfriend says he will break up with me if I don't learn Chinese. What should I do?

He can’t force you to do things you do not want to do. You guys have to reach a compromise. If not, cut your losses and move on Dating

1 mo

If my panty line shows is that rude?

Wear seamless undies Fashion & Beauty

1 mo

He said he will “lead me” when we are in a relationship. What does that mean?

Run. He doesn’t need a partner. He wants a yes person. Relationships

1 mo

How do you deal with snobby people?

Your man’s cousin’s wife you said? She’s irrelevant. But make sure your man is aware of her nasty attitude towards you so he can have your back. You don’t need to tolerate her. You’re not in a... Relationships

1 mo

Have you ever tried to text person you stop talking years ago?

Yes I have. My ex best friend. I reached out to her. She gladly welcomed me back just like old times. No I don’t regret it. Relationships

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