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1 mo

My boyfriend is scared i’m going to break up with him?

Finding it hard to open up maybe isn’t the best thing especially if the relationship is more serious. If he doesn’t trust you and you genuinely love him and never did anything. I don’t know. Relationships

1 mo

How do I stop running after guys and have them chase me?

Here is the thing. Make your move and if he rejects you. Leave him be. You have to keep in mind that the men you like probably have other women who want them. So waiting around on them most times... Dating

1 mo

Why do "people cheat on their partners after marriage"? Is it Intentional or unintentional? Ever happened with u?

Cheating is a intentional act it’s not like you can accidentally jump into bed with someone. Now emotional cheating can have more of a gray area. Something can be innocent enough but someone takes... Relationships

1 mo

Do men like women who serve them?

To a point yes. But service goes both ways… There are a lot of one sided people who say “well if he or she loves me they will live in a one sided relationship” when in reality they probably don’t... Relationships

1 mo

Am I the only one who hates overly flirty people during the talking stage?

I get it… Some people are too flirty with everyone when you’re wanting to have a normal conversation. If someone’s making you uncomfortable just be kind and tell them how they’re making you feel.... Flirting

1 mo

How do I respond to my boyfriend saying “I love you” if I’m not ready to say it yet?

With a honest answer. Just tell him you appreciate it. Be glad he is communicating with you. But you need to tell him that you love him as a person. But you don’t feel you’re in love yet and... Dating

1 mo

Who should pay on the first date?

Here is the thing. Nobody is entitled to free shit. If someone’s dating someone and feels entitled to get it for free. You’re not. Sorry. As far as standards to everyone is different. This is why... Dating

1 mo

Is it a bad thing to be too flirty?

I guess it’s good. Just be you and go with the flow. What’s meant to be will be and what’s not isn’t. Sometimes people take things too personally when In reality two people aren’t meant to be. Relationships

1 mo

Are you loyal during the talking stage?

I think loyalty is important. Though there comes a point where someone is exclusive or not. So I just think it depends on the person. I think talking to too many people can start to cause problems... Dating

1 mo

Calling all people who've been physically cheated on! When did you start seeing red flags?

I’ve never been cheated on that I know of so maybe I’m not qualified. But I have seen it happen. It depends some people are more intelligent then others and better at covering their tracks. The... Relationships

1 mo

Why is it hurtful that my partner slept with this particular person in the past?

This is why people should be virgins. Many people care about their partners sexual history but they are too scared to shamed into bringing it up. It is disgusting and it’s so hard to tell who... Relationships

1 mo

Is it a bad idea I asked him to pay my drive?

Not sure what the photos are about. Well…. He isn’t entitled for you to come see him. If he doesn’t want someone asking him to pay, and you don’t want to pay to see him. Maybe you aren’t meant to be? Dating

1 mo

Is he being too much from the second day of talking stage?

I think that the decision to be exclusive is one that BOTH people need to be ready for. Also, texting late at night and early in the morning especially if you have to get up early is rude at best.... Dating

1 mo

Why does my boyfriend get upset?

If you think he is. Ask him if he’s upset about it and if he’s upset at you or him. You can’t help it if someone chose to follow you around the store. Especially if you seem to not have been happy... Relationships

2 mo

Would you find it creepy if someone added you on social media without you giving it to them?

I think you need to be honest with him. Don’t be rude about so long as he’s respectful. You just need to explain that you don’t give those accounts out to people until you get to know them better.... Dating

2 mo

After a certain age, would you settle or stay single?

I don’t think anyone should settle for someone they aren’t truly in love with. It’s not only bad for the person doing it but it’s worse for someone who is led to believe someone genuinely loves... Relationships

2 mo

Big Age Difference In Dating?

As long as he isn’t under the age of 18 k think you should date who makes you happy. Everyone is different some people have different preferences and standards. Some people may for others may be... Dating

2 mo

Boyfriend said he doesn’t want to talk atm he thinks taking time and space apart is good. he said it gives him peace. is he going to break up with me?

If he refuses to talk to you like a adult, if two people need time to cool off after a argument. That’s understandable but three days? If he’s not happy and I assume you’re probably not happy... Relationships

2 mo

What does poogie mean?

I think you should just ask her lol. She knows why she said it better then anyone else. How do you feel about her calling you names like this? Flirting

2 mo

How to deal with touchy coworkers?

It depends on how they’re touching you. If it’s making you uncomfortable then directly say it is. Don’t be a weirdo who allows someone to violate you. Because they will start thinking it’s okay... Flirting

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