Women In Business Should Be Viewed Through the Same Lens As Men

For the sake of an example I will be providing in this article:

Women Politicians Should Be Viewed Through the Same Lens As Men Politicians...that's a fact.

It's simple. They're ALL politicians.

Women In Business Should Be Viewed Through the Same Lens As Men

If a woman does something wrong...it's wrong no matter her gender.

If a man does something wrong...it's wrong no matter his gender.

It's equality that should be respected and enforced.

If a woman politician cheats on her husband she should be held accountable and quit for shaming her office.

If a man politician cheats he should do the same. Why? Because there should be no double standard based on gender.


Because all women and all men should be heal accountable for their actions.

Agree or disagree?

And if you disagree, why do you disagree?

Is it because you're sexist? Give it a good few hours to a day to think about why you disagree...

This is a black and white issue. There is no grey area.

As history has shown women usually take responsibility for their actions - one of which was just recently, Nashville's mayor Megan Barry who admitted to the affair and stepped down from her mayoral position.

Women In Business Should Be Viewed Through the Same Lens As Men

History has also shown that there were a lot more men in positions of power who did the same thing as Megan Barry did, but they either didn't admit to it and kept quiet, staying in their position playing a fool, or they'd admit to it once the evidence was brought in which was undeniable - and then were shamed into quitting.

Why can't both genders, both politicians, no matter their views on the world, have the same moral responsibilities and have enough shame to admit their faults and let the better man or woman take that position?

The problem with viewing men and women (in politics) as equals is also one which the world as a whole and governments within this world, just have a problem with.

For example:

Megan Barry was threatened with criminal charges because she spent city funds to fund her outings with her lover, but when Mark Sanford did the same thing (visiting his lover in South America)...he was never threatened with any sort of charges, he continued on with his job and is now a congressmen.

Women In Business Should Be Viewed Through the Same Lens As Men

The moral of this story, the thing people learn (consciously on subconsciously) is if you're a man you'll be allowed a lot more than if you're a woman. Morally women are held to a much higher standard than men are.

Why is this?

Is it because society believes women are worth more hence should exhibit that in their behavior?

OR is it because society feels women should repress their desires and instincts for fear of discovering they're more like men than men would care to admit?
Women In Business Should Be Viewed Through the Same Lens As Men

Think about it...let me know your thoughts on this topic.

Women In Business Should Be Viewed Through the Same Lens As Men
Post Opinion