8 Wedding Mistakes to Avoid

8 Wedding Mistakes to Avoid

1. Hiring any old person off the internet

It is super tempting to want to save money any way you can with an already expensive wedding for most couples, but when you hire any old person off the internet because you are infatuated with their ridiculously low pricing, beware, because you get what you pay for. Even if low budget is all you can afford, DO put time and effort into screening these people, asking for portfolios, asking other clients if they were actually good, and making sure that you aren't risking not getting anything at all by paying up front or paying in such a way that you cannot even verify for legal reasons, that you or they actually did any business together.

2. Letting everyone else have the last say

It's your wedding, and it's definitely your wedding if you and your future husband/wife are paying for it. If you don't want chicken and veg for dinner, and want to serve pizza from your beloved place around the corner, do that. If you don't want flowers at all, then don't have them. Don't let family or friends convince you to make your wedding, their dream wedding, because it is your day, not theirs.

8 Wedding Mistakes to Avoid

3. Not hiring a photographer or having someone take photos

You will be running around all day long, hanging with friends and family, dancing, and hopefully having a good time, but in doing so, you as the bride/groom rarely get to actually enjoy all that you paid for because you're just bombarded and center of attention all day long. A lot of brides/grooms never make it to the candy station they created, or to see the flowers at the entry way, or whatever else, but a photog can capture those so at least you can see what your money went and how the day turned out, and what you missed while changing or taking formal photos, in your official pictures.

4. Not having security

Some families are nuts. Some people have ex's still hung up on them. Some people have drunk uncles that are nasty when drunk. If this is your situation, don't make it a guests responsibility to try and handle these people, or worse think on your day, you'll take care of the crazies. Hire security, and if it's real bad, check invites at the door.

5. Going broke after the wedding

It is NOT worth it to go broke over this one day, because what if the next day there is an emergency? How will you handle that if you're in serious debt already from your wedding? Be honest with yourselves about your realistic budget. Be brutal when it comes to cutting the fat on what you really want, and what in reality you can afford to have. To cut costs, get family/friends to help you with tasks or making things or borrowing things so that you don't have to spend or heck, just elope or have a tiny wedding, so you can do all the craziness but on a small scale.

8 Wedding Mistakes to Avoid

6. Not reading and understanding your wedding contracts

This is not the time to just blindly sign some contracts, because this can end up costing you hundreds if not thousands. For example, you may think your wedding venue is being sweet by letting you stay a bit longer to clean up and such, but your contract explicitly says, if you're not out at this time, they charge by the hour. Beware. Watch out for hidden fees, things that aren't included in the prices quoted, and know the cancellation policy which typically requires non-refundable deposits.

7. Not giving yourself enough time to shop

Wedding stores have seasons as do tux rental places where they are busy, booked up, out of stock, or you may be too early for the new stock, or you may be required to order things months in advance. Do not for a second believe that if you want what you want, you can roll in two weeks before your ceremony and expect to get everything or even an appointment out of the blue. These stores are not the mall. The wedding world is weird, and requires a lot of wait time to specialty order items, so be prepared. Six months out is about as short as you can go on trying to get these things started and finished.

8 Wedding Mistakes to Avoid

8. Not taking a break

Wedding planning is stressful AF. It is like a part time job on top of your full time one. If you're losing it, and it's driving you crazy, take a break. Learn to ask for help so that you don't have to shoulder all the burden on you and let other people help you if they offer.

8 Wedding Mistakes to Avoid
9 Opinion