In Defense of Arranged Marriage


In Defense of Arranged Marriage

I see a lot of questions where people ask things like, "would you consider an arranged marriage?" And most people reply "no! Its violation of my freedom!" This myTake is to dispel all misunderstandings about the arranged marriage.

Arranged Marriage is NOT

- Forced marriage
- Marrying someone you don't like
- Marrying someone without getting to know their background even a little
- You not having say in the kind of partner you want

Arranged Marriage IS

- A union where background of potential partner is scrutinized to great details. There are even some detective agencies propping up to run a background check on family of potential suitors!
- You having choice/say in the kind of partner you want
- Getting to know them SOMEWHAT
- When you can look for another partner if you don't click with potential partner you spoke with

Process of a Typical Arranged Marriage

1. Parents set up your profile on matrimonial site.They shortlist some matches for you.

2. If you don't find them interesting, you can reject them there. If you like someone among them (initially) then you go further and contact them.

3.You meet them 3-4 times on a sort of date
If you seem to click with them, you go ahead. If not, you repeat process from step 2.

4. If you click with them, you get engaged which is the time where you court your potential partner. Usually sex isn't involved in all this process. You can break your engagement if you want to.


In Defence of Arranged Marriage

In traditional Western dating culture, immense value is put on looks. The compatibility in terms of educational, social background is rarely matched. These things may matter in long run in most marriages.

Arranged marriages on the other hand, a lot of value is also placed on educational background. You rarely see completely mismatched marriages like Ivy league grad+ bartender here because of the same.

It creates a fair levelled field for girls who are unattractive, if they're educated enough and have amicable personality.

Same goes for guys. In traditional Western dating, a guy is supposed to make a move, he is supposed to be funny, chatty and such to get dates. Now, we all know that not all guys can be like that. Its unfair. There are a lot of guys who can't date because of problems they have, which causes a lot of frustration in them. This bottled up frustration comes out in form incel forums, MGTOW etc. Then you have red pilled folks who say that you have to be jacked and all to increase your "SMV" and shiz. Its insane to think that all guys will be able to get jacked to increase their SMV.

Arranged marriage can be a good option for men who are extremely shy and can't seem to get dates for reasons like that. Again, like for unattractive women, arranged marriage creates levelled playing field for such men.

But... What about love? Can you really know a person after few dates?

Listen up. Yes, love is important. But you can fall in love you're gonna marry in arranged marriage. The whole period between engagement and marriage is for that. If not, there are many many people around me who fell in love with their SO after marriage.

You can't know a person despite of knowing them for years. When you make up your mind to compromise on small things for greater good, you can make it through.

In dating, one tries to seek perfect compatibility in each and every aspect, which can cause conflicts. In an arranged marriage, one is prepared their mind to not having compatibility in some few aspects. It is really okay if your partner doesn't like same food as you. Its okay if your preference in entertainment don't match.

When you date someone for years, there's risk of knowing the partner too much and expecting them to have a pattern of behaviour. Since after marriage the relationship dynamics change a bit, the behaviour of your partner may seem out of the pattern and thus annoying. How many times we see people who 'change after marriage' and were completely different while dating? In an arranged setting, you're more open to these things.

I see people who date for years and years yet still can't make decision to get married because of really small reasons.

Some Cons of Arranged Marriages

- You can't really check sexual compatibility as you can't have sex with them before marriage according to tradition. However I think, there are some modern couples in arranged setting who do that.

- There's slight stigma attached to calling off the engagement (refer to steps)

- SOME people may feel the process to be bit hasty.

People who got married by dating for 10 years get divorced.

People who had arranged marriages remain together in love till death.

In the end, it really boils down to how two people involved in this are. How mature and responsible they are.

It doesn't matter how they got married, through arranged marriage or through dating.

Dating and arranged marriage both have their pros and cons and it is entirely up to an individual choose how they want to tie the knot (or don't want to tie knot at all)

I hope this myTake dispelled some common misconceptions about arranged marriages. Feel free to ask if you wanna know more!

In Defense of Arranged Marriage
In Defense of Arranged Marriage
65 Opinion