Is it weird to think sleeping around is wrong?

I think having sex with random people is wrong.
Say.. you’re having a one night stand and you leave. How are you supposed to know if that person is healthy? How are you supposed to know if that person is with someone else?
I mean it’s nasty if you think about it.
I’m waiting until I’m married to have sex ( doesn’t mean I dislike people who don’t.) Mainly because I am traditional in that way. I want that time to be special. I don’t want it to be something you get rid of quickly.
I want it to be with someone I love and trust with everything. I want it to be my husband. I think it’s very honorable to wait till marriage. It shows you care about your body. And you want to share the experience with someone you’re spending the rest of your life with.
Why don’t some people respect their body nowadays? They sleep around like so much.
Is it weird to think sleeping around is wrong?
Post Opinion