Guys, how important is it for your wife to take your name? Girls, would you take your husbands last name?

In many western cultures a wife takes her husbands name in some way or another upon marriage. How important is this to you? Girls, would you take his name? Hyphenate it? Keep yours?
I'd feel disrespected or sad if she didn't take my last name/I'm keeping my last name
I'd be ok if she hyphenated our last names/I plan to hyphenate our names
I'm ok with her keeping her last name/I am keeping my last name.
Something else...
I have no clue what I would do Sparky.
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+1 y
So I just got married a week and a half ago and am debating on what to do. We both have three syllable last names, so hyphenating them is too freaking long. I'm not fully established professionally yet (only cited in three research papers, and my portfolio is still growing). Taking his name is an easy option and would be 'cleaner' for the future. Hubby said he is ok with whatever I choose.
Guys, how important is it for your wife to take your name? Girls, would you take your husbands last name?
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