Is it time for the wage earners to take their POWER BACK, within their relationships by avoiding marriage?

Is it time for the wage earners to take their POWER BACK, within their relationships by avoiding marriage?
Do you agree that you should OWN YOUR POWER! If you love someone then do you really need marriage? If your independent and self sufficient then should you retain that level of security and control over your future? Or do you think love conquers all?

Marriage is about the worst investment any wage earner, regardless of sex can make. Your significant other can rob, cheat, lie and steal from you and your on the hook to loose 50% of everything and still be paying for it financially years after the fact.

The concept of marriage is ruined in the modern age. Love, faith and morality does not hold up in court. The law is not moral or ethical in of it self, and it does not seek or intend to make itself so. Marriage is the only contract a person can make where the other person does not have to fulfill the terms of the agreement, and they still get paid in full! To battle it will cost you 10's of thousands in a court fight.

So as a man I say HELL YES its time for men to take their power back!!! But I am not just talking to men, women as well if you're a wage earner then you need to own your power and take control over your assets.

"I, Joe Doe, take thee, Jane Doe, to be my wedded wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith."

All that means JACK DIDDLY-SQUAT in a court of law... they cheat, lie and steal from you and you're on the hook to pay without any return on the investment. Steer clear of the trap. If you have a strong and powerful relationship, then you have it better than half the married people with all the legal protections of the law. Get married and you lose that protection over your assets and you pay in nothing but loss of happiness and ass pain.
Yes, own your power!!! I don't need marriage to find true love.
No, Marriage is only way to find true love.
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Is it time for the wage earners to take their POWER BACK, within their relationships by avoiding marriage?
6 Opinion