Luxury Products To Spend On As A Treat


Sometimes, you want to treat yourself to a luxury product. You have worked hard, and now you want to enjoy the fruit of your labor. Here are luxury products to spend on as a treat for yourself.

Luxury Products To Spend On As A Treat

1. Sweets

It is far more economical to buy one bag of sugar than one liter of soda. The soda can easily be consumed too quickly, in a matter of a few days, whereas the bag of sugar can last in the pantry for weeks and months. On average, cane sugar is going to cost anywhere from $8 to $41 per bag. A 48 ounce container can cost $8 to $12, while a 5 pound bag can cost $11 to $15. Five pounds are equal to about 2268 grams. One liter of Coca-Cola contains 108 grams of sugar. You have to buy 21 liters of Coca-Cola to get as much sugar as a five-pound bag of cane sugar. A 2-liter container costs anywhere from $1.25 to $2.

If you buy 11 of these Coca-Cola containers, then you may spend $13.75 to $22 to get as much sugar as the 5-pound bag that costs $11 to $15. What makes it more economical to buy a bag of sugar over soda is the time it takes to consume it. It is extremely easy to consume 2 liters in a day (some people do drink soda as a replacement for water), and in 11 days or so, all containers will be devoured. On top of that, it is possible to find free packets of sugar and honey in public places, so you can satisfy your sugar craving without paying a cent. Therefore, soda is a luxury product and ideally should be consumed during special events.

Luxury Products To Spend On As A Treat

2. Salad Bar

A salad bar is a cold buffet table, allowing the people to fix their own salads. In my location, prices at the salad bars in supermarkets are usually $6-$10 per pound. The most expensive salad bar I've seen is the one at my local Whole Foods Market. While the salad at that supermarket is very costly, the supermarket advertises that the salad bar is wholly organic. This may be very attractive to organic food junkies. Anyway, the high cost of a meal at the salad bar compared to buying raw materials makes the salad bar a luxury.

3. Deli Food and Prepared Meals

Any kind of deli food or prepared meal that is fulfilling may be in the $5-10 range. It is much more cost-effective to spend money on raw materials and make food yourself for multiple meals instead of buying ready-to-eat meals at the supermarket for one meal. Also, making your own food usually means not using plastic to heat your food, as heating food in a plastic microwaveable container is not healthy. Therefore, deli food and other prepared meals are a luxury that only rich people can afford.

4. Restaurant Food

Eating at any kind of restaurant - from the most expensive to the most cheapest - usually means you are paying for the food, the people, and the cost of production. Twenty dollars may buy a big sack of rice that lasts for months for one family; the same amount of money may just feed a family for one or two meals. Therefore, dining in a restaurant is a luxury that rich people can afford on a daily basis. These rich people typically live in the developed world, drive cars, and spend nearly half of their food budget on restaurant food.

5. Non-Seasonal, Exotic Produce

In the developed world, there are no seasons and massive famine die-outs due to a prolong winter. Food is just imported from countries with warmer climates, so supermarkets can always be stocked and profit from the year-round food supply. Given that it's more costly to buy non-seasonal, non-local food, they are considered luxury products that rich people can afford regularly.

6. Organic Anything

Organic products are usually two or three times higher than conventional products. Sometimes, they may be priced at the same level as conventional products. When that happens, you may choose to buy organic or stick with conventional, but since organic things are luxury goods, you should buy them over the conventional because of the status symbol. Just make sure the label is positioned within view, so that other people will think that you are eating organic things all the time.

7. New Car

As soon as the car leaves the car dealership, it depreciates in value. Cars are very expensive in initial price and requires maintenance, making them a luxury product.

8. Entertaining Things

Movie tickets, night clubs, fancy dinners, and video games are all luxury products. You don't need them; you want them. They bring enjoyment into your life, even though it is possible to find enjoyment in things that are free.

9. Fashionable Things & Fads

Fashion and fads fade over time. What is hot today may be totally retro tomorrow. So, spending anything that is fashionable now is really spending money on a luxury product that will depreciate in value and may become totally worthless.

10. Vacations

It is a luxury to have vacations. Vacation time is accrued at some workplaces, and they pay you for your days off. On vacation, people may travel to an exotic place, often spending thousands of dollars on transportation fare and activities overseas. It is supposed to be relaxing, but it can also be stressful because of the intense organization that goes into vacation planning and budgeting.

Luxury Products To Spend On As A Treat
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