Mytake For Cigarette Smokers

Great way to save money 🤑
Great way to save money 🤑

As businesses are shutting down. Recession a possibility. People should be finding ways to spend less, not more. For those who smoke cigarettes, one way to save tons of money is to make your own. I've done this for years and saved a lot of money that way.


Depending where you live depends how much a pack of cigarettes costs.

Where are you on the price list?
Where are you on the price list?

Where I live a generic pack of cigarettes is $7 a pack, and name brands from $8- $10 a pack. So 10 packs of generic=$70 and 10 packs of name brand $80-$100.

Whereas to make your own, you just need a bag of tobacco, a box of tubes, and a rolling machine-the rolling machine one time buy.

For those who smoke menthol
For those who smoke menthol

So first, bags of tobacco:

I chose to picture Gambler brand because it is one of the cheaper brands of tobacco. But there is all different brands depending on how much you want to pay. I use Gambler myself.

For those who smoke regular
For those who smoke regular

They have all different varieties depending on if you smoke regular, menthol, light, menthol light, etc.

For those who smoke light
For those who smoke light

Where I live a 6oz. bag of tobacco cost $7-9 depending where you buy for a 6oz. bag (makes about 1 carton)

and a 12 oz. bag anywhere from$17-20 again depending where you buy.

Another light variety
Another light variety

You can also purchase online and have delivered but some online companies there is a minimum bulk amount to buy, but costs even less that way.

Different types
Different types

Now for the tubes:

There is different brands. Now me personally, I usually use tops tubes or Gambler tubes but there are many different brands.

Cheap brand
Cheap brand

Gamble tubes by me are about $4 for a box of 200 tubes, which again makes 1 carton.

And finally, cigarette rolling machines:

Cheaper rolling machine
Cheaper rolling machine

You can get a tops (pictured above) or Gambler rolling machine for less than $5. And that you only have to purchase once.

Nice rolled, packed cigarettes
Nice rolled, packed cigarettes

My neighbor has this. She paid $40 for it, but it makes a nice, rolled cigarette with just a crank of the handle.

They always have electronic machines but those get more costly.

So to sum up to make one carton, (using Gambler prices) I can make 10 packs for$10-13 a carton, verses the $70 for generic, and$80-100 for name brands. That is a savings of $60-90 a carton.

All these items should be available at any smoke shop.

And again, tubes and tobacco and rolling online machines can be purchased online and may save even less in long run.

Thanks for reading 🤗


Mytake For Cigarette Smokers
Post Opinion