Feeling like a stranger in your own home

I live in a very quiet neighbourhood, the only noise you hear is the neighbours motorbike zooming down the street at 7am and trains going past in the distance every hour. The neighbours are pretty calm and despite being surrounded in flats we don't have wild parties, infact my family is the noisiest of the street!

Feeling like a stranger in your own home.

So a short description of the layout of my house: myself and my parents are at the front in view of the street, the lounge and kitchen is at the back and my 9 year old sisters room is right next to the lounge. There is 2 ways to get in at the front a main door and through the garage. There are 4 doors at the back. One in the garage, one in the foyer, 2 in the lounge. Now out of all these doors only 1 wasn't dead bolted. If you have caught on to what I am about to rant about congrats if you haven't the here you go.

Last night while myself and my family were sleeping, some asshole, scaled our back fence, jimmied open the door which was not dead bolted, helped themselves to our stuff. Then left, courteous enough to shut the door behind them and instead of cloning over the fence with all their new gear, used the back gate.

My dad woke up at 5:30 to go to the bathroom then walked into the lounge to get his phone to see what happened in the cricket. To his surprise it wasn't on the dock, wasn't in his room, wasn't in his jean pockets. He called his phone. It's off, he never turns his phone off. He looks for the family tablet which is usually on the centre consol of our couch. Gone. Tells my mum, mum freaks out and comes barging into my sisters room and then mine making sure we are still there and that our stuff is there. we discover that my dads wallet is gone, the family laptop, my laptop (which shame on them is broken), and my sisters tablet.

We have never been burgled before, and we use to live in a high crime community. I thought my first reaction would be "no our stuff" but no... The first words that came out of my mouth were "are the cats okay?" Which my mum laughed at until I explained to her that what I meant was: people are sick, I didn't mean did they take the cats, I meant what if they were in the lounge while this took place, one would have bolted the other would have smooched the person and he or she could have kicked him out the way.

I don't care about the stuff, the only thing I was worried about was my dads wallet, which we thankfully found with everything still in there. Meaning this persons motivation was money. Honestly they did a crap job at it. They left behind a $100 dock, a couple $500 cameras, Jewellery that is worth more than what all of the things they took all together. They missed all that for a blimmin iPhone 4s that you could probably sell for 50? The part that gets me the most is that a stranger was in our house while we were asleep, and now they have access to photos of us, and they've seen the inside of my house, family photos on the walls, they even looked through our cook books. It's disgusting.

But I just wanna say thanks to this person because now instead of trying to fix my laptop I get free money to go out and buy one better than the 6 year old piece of shit you stole.

To whoever breaks into people's houses on here and takes their valuables, just think about how sick you'd feel if someone was in your house and you didn't know it.

Feeling like a stranger in your own home
Post Opinion