To Block Or Not To Block


To paraphrase William Shakespeare:

"To block or not to block: That is the question
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous insults
Or take arms against the sea of online negativity"

For full disclosure I have blocked 22 people for a variety of reasons

(1) I am here to enjoy myself on this site, a bit of escapism from the daily grind

To Block Or Not To Block

(2) I am not here to be insulted

To Block Or Not To Block

(3) I am not here to be catfished, scammed, hit upon by fake accounts or in younger users' cases creeped upon

To Block Or Not To Block

(4) I am not here to argue - I just want to live and let live

To Block Or Not To Block

(5) I am here to support people not belittle them

To Block Or Not To Block

Thank you for listening!

To Block Or Not To Block
17 Opinion