The Benefits Of Being A Social Outcast

The Benefits Of Being A Social Outcast

-An outcast: Someone who has been rejected by society or a social group.

-Urban dictionary definition of social outcast: "A social outcast is somebody who is not involved in social events and spends way to much time doing a "hobby"..." (

The Benefits Of Being A Social Outcast

Being an outcast has many downsides. An outcast often feels alone or inadequate due to the rejection they face by their peers. However, being a social outcast can have some benefits.

Learning to be self reliant

Being an outcast leaves a person to fend for themselves for long periods of time with little to no contact with their peers. Being alone is a pretty shitty feeling, but someone subjected to it for years eventually learn how to be self reliant. They find creative ways to keep themselves occupied and they can go long periods of time on their own without much of an effect on their mood. Outcasts don't have other people to lean on, so they learn how to hold themselves up pretty well.

Refining hobbies

Since a social outcast has a lot of alone time, they have plenty of time to refine their hobbies. They're something to keep occupied with, and enough practice will make a person more skilled at the task. Gaining a well developed ability can give a major self esteem boost to anyone, even someone who isn't involved in society.

No plans, no planning stress

A social outcast has plenty of time on their hands. There's no need to stress about where they'll be going or who's going to come over that weekend. Alone time can give some great thinking sessions room to come about, thus new ideas will be formed (if the thinker doesn't dwell on too many troubling thoughts).

No need to dress up

A social outcast has already been basically kicked out of all social circles, so what's the point in putting on makeup or choosing expensive clothes? Although outcasts may feel the need to look flashy to gain attention, often times a social outcast will just give up and dress comfortably. This saves a lot of time in the mornings if you have school or work, as you don't need to spend as much time getting all fancy.

Increased creativity levels

A person left to their own devices often develops a sense of creativity in order to keep themselves occupied and entertained. A social outcast is one such type of person who has a high chance of having a creative mind set due to the basic isolation they feel. A creative person can come up with their own ideas and go their own ways in life, so a social outcast who gains this type of ability can go far in life in the future if they harness the powers of the imagination.

Becoming more aware of their surroundings

A social outcast goes throughout their daily business with little direct contact with other people. This takes away the distraction of communication, so a socially inept person has more of an ability to truly see what's happening around them. They notice the slightest change in a person's temperament, and they can detect odd things in their normal settings. This is a handy skill to have in life, especially in jobs dealing with customer service.

Learning to deal with other people kindly

Although some social outcasts turn bitter or just straight up mean, many of them learn true kindness. They gain the ability to be patient with others, and when they do manage to build a real friendship it lasts much longer than most other friendships. A social outcast endures years of being throw out of the social circle, so they use past experiences or the actions of others to make themselves better listeners and in general they try to avoid making other people feel the way that their peers have made them feel.

Original experiences

Many people are social outcasts because of something that has happened to them or that they've done. A social outcast has a different perspective than most people, as they're treated differently than most. Everyone has their own story to tell, especially the outcast who's story is trapped inside, since they have yet to find someone to share it with.

Being an outcast is still not good/enjoyable.

This post is not saying that being a social outcast is a good thing, and it's also not saying that these are true about all social outcasts. In fact, it can be a very depressing life to have to go through, and many people are bitter or sad due to the labels placed on them. I've simply noticed a few positive changes in my own character since being labeled an "outcast" by my peers, especially the more rich/popular people. I've gone under a major change since when I was young and had many friends, most of those changes for the better. This is just a list of a few of those positive changes I've seen in myself. Can any of you guys relate? Feel free to share your own experiences with being a social outcast, positive or negative, in the opinions, and I'll try my best to get back to you and relate to what you share.

The Benefits Of Being A Social Outcast
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