5 Toxic People You Should Avoid At All Costs


5 Toxic People You Should Avoid At All Costs
As important as it is to learn how to deal with different kinds of people, truly toxic people will never be worth your time and energy—and they take a lot of each. Toxic people create unnecessary complexity, strife, and, worst of all, stress.

“People inspire you, or they drain you—pick them wisely.” – Hans F. Hansen

1. The Gossip

Gossipers derive pleasure from other people’s misfortunes and creating chaos.There are too many positives out there and too much to learn from interesting people to waste your time talking about the misfortune of others.

2. The Envious

Let’s face it, there’s always someone out there who’s doing better if you look hard enough. Spending too much time around envious people is dangerous because they teach you to trivialize your own accomplishments.

5 Toxic People You Should Avoid At All Costs

3. The Manipulator

Manipulators suck time and energy out of your life under the façade of friendship. They can be tricky to deal with because they treat you like a friend. They know what you like, what makes you happy, and what you think is funny, but the difference is that they use this information as part of a hidden agenda. Manipulators always want something from you, and if you look back on your relationships with them, it’s all take, take, take, with little or no giving. They’ll do anything to win you over just so they can work you over.

4. The Self-Absorbed

You can usually tell when you’re hanging around self-absorbed people because you start to feel completely alone. This happens because as far as they’re concerned, there’s no point in having a real connection between them and anyone else. You’re merely a tool used to build their self-esteem.

5. Any person who is not humble

In a society where fortune favors the strong, modesty is often seen as a weakness. The emphasis on humility in philosophy and religious texts shows that it’s a trait and principle that deserves to be revered. As Confucius once defined it, humility is “the solid foundation of all virtues” — and possibly the key to achievement.

5 Toxic People You Should Avoid At All Costs
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