5 Differences Between Optimists and Pessimists


1. Optimists believe that they have the control

5 Differences Between Optimists and Pessimists

Optimist believe that they shape the future. They don't see any reason tomorrow won't be better than now, so conditions and the past have no meaning for them.

But pessimists don't think that they have any control of their lives. If they knew they had control then they wouldn't be pessimists.

2. Optimists look forward

5 Differences Between Optimists and Pessimists
Yesterday is just an experience for optimists. There is nothing better than now, and tomorrow also looks good.

Pessimists don't usually look forward. Actually, they do but what they see is an unpleasant future, which is based on their bad experiences.

3. Optimists have self-confidence

5 Differences Between Optimists and Pessimists

Optimists believe they can overcome anything. But pessimists don't believe any such thing; they just think they are the victim of life.

4. While optimists think that it's possible, pessimists see the problems

5 Differences Between Optimists and Pessimists

Optimists: "What should I do next? I have many choices."

Pessimists: "What should I do next? I have many problems."

5. Optimists have a better life

5 Differences Between Optimists and Pessimists

Of course it offers a better life.

5 Differences Between Optimists and Pessimists
18 Opinion