My Biggest Pet Peeves


There's a lot of them because I guess i'm just an angry person...

Know-it-alls correcting you for no reason

Story time:

In 10th grade chemistry class I had a big text book on my desk and I accidentally pushed it off and it made a really loud sound. I kinda jumped and went "shit, that scared me"

This kid turns around and gives me a judgmental look and goes "Actually, it STARTLED you, not scared you" and then turns back around...WHY?

Who cares..? Why does it matter so much that you feel the need to correct me? Literally everybody says "oh that scared me" EVERYONE. I have never heard of anyone going "That startled the crap out me" NOBODY SAYS THAT.

You know when you play a horror video game or watch a horror movie and some scary monster pops up out of nowhere? You know what that's called? A jump SCARE, not a jump startle.

I wanted to take my text book and go like this to him

My Biggest Pet Peeves

update: I wrote this the other day and I heard someone say startle since then lol

When someone a mile away holds the door open for you

Then you feel bad for making them stand there with the door open for you so you have to jog up and take the door from them.

I understand you're trying to be nice, but don't hold the door unless i'm RIGHT behind you. I don't feel like running..

Rare picture of me running up to someone who held a door open for me:

My Biggest Pet Peeves

When someone's wearing headphones but you can still hear their music


I was on a public bus once and this girl was 6 seats down from me and I could hear her music perfectly. I could hear the exact songs she was listening to, she was listening to Side to Side and Into You by Ariana Grande. (I wasn't that bothered this time because Ariana Grande is the shit)

Not only am I annoyed but I'm also concerned. You're gonna mess up your hearing if you continue to listen to it that loud.

My Biggest Pet Peeves

When people walk too slow or stop in the middle of the sidewalk/hallway

Especially when it's a whole group of friends. At least move to the side and let others get through.

My Biggest Pet Peeves

When you're trying to talk on the phone and someone keeps interrupting you

Then you put your finger up to tell them to hold on but yet they keep trying to talk to you.

My Biggest Pet Peeves

When people waste stuff

This one I realized about myself recently. I HATE wasting things. I hate wasting food, I hate wasting paper, I hate wasting anything.

So when I see other people throw out half of their food or throw out a piece of paper that still has a back to it..I internally scream. PACK THE FOOD UP AND SAVE IT FOR LATER...or give it to me, i'll eat the rest of it.

My Biggest Pet Peeves

When people are using MY phone and they pull it away when I try to take it back

I don't even like people asking to use my phone in the first place.

And since I'm really short my friends think it's hilarious to hold my phone up above my head and make me reach for it like a little kid.

Next time someone does that to me I'm just going to punch them right in the stomach.

My Biggest Pet Peeves

People who type "U" instead of "you" or "R" instead of "Are"

They are 3 letter words, just spell it out. When someone does this I can't even text them. I feel like i'm talking to a 10 year old.

My Biggest Pet Peeves

"Yea" Ok" "Oh" "Cool"

Text me any of these and you're getting blocked and reported.

My Biggest Pet Peeves

When people mention my height

Why do people feel the need to constantly remind me that I'm short as if I don't know this already..? "You're so short"

Oh really? Wow thanks for letting me know. Now is there anything you'd like me to do to fix that? Should I try to grow taller or something?

There is absolutely NOTHING I can do about my height. Sorry it bothers you so much.

I actually finally met a guy who was shorter than me the other day. I didn't mention anything about his height because I'm not annoying. Take notes.

My Biggest Pet Peeves

People who use these emojis

Don't text me. Please don't

My Biggest Pet Peeves

Or if you use the "xD" or "XD" face. Or if you use like 3 emojis per sentence. Don't text me.

The end

Writing this made me realize that I get annoyed really easily. Oh well. 🙃

My Biggest Pet Peeves

My Biggest Pet Peeves
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