The 10 Most Amazing Feelings in the World for Women

The 10 Most Amazing Feelings in the World for Women

1. The day after your period ends

Ugggghhhhh, it is the best feeling in the world to know that you don't have to deal with your period anymore for another however many days. You can get back to your life and your plans without thinking about all the extra that goes along with being on your period. Pure awesomeness.

2. Getting your hair done

Nothing boosts the old confidence like a fresh cut or style. We rarely allow people to get as physically close to us as someone doing our hair and to have someone come in and wash your hair and take care of you and make you look good, feels amazing.

The 10 Most Amazing Feelings in the World for Women

3. It fits

You know what size you wear, but the dress you have in hand is a size too small for you, but it's so cute you try it on anyway, and OMG, it fits. It f---in' fits! That's right 6am workouts! We don't do you for nothing!

4. The dishes are done

When you come home expecting to see the house a mess and your significant other has cleaned from top to bottom and it looks so good. It's like a weight is lifted off you, and you feel less stressed, and when everything is in it's place and smells good and there are no dishes in the sink, awesome.

The 10 Most Amazing Feelings in the World for Women

5. Weight loss

That stupid scale is the bane of our existence, and we like to see those numbers go down. Sometimes they just don't and it can be the most frustrating feeling especially if you are legitimately putting the work in and sticking to a healthy diet..but that exact moment where you've done everything you can for the month or the week or however long and the scale validates you, is just the absolute best. Even if you didn't try to lose weight, but you got food poisoning, and you come back from it and hop on the scale and it says you've lost weight, it feels irrationally good.

6. That thing you like

Between the sheets, when your significant other does that thing you like or surprises you with something unexpected that makes your damn toes curl.

The 10 Most Amazing Feelings in the World for Women

7. The epic sale

Every once in a blue moon, there is an epic sale of the products or clothing you love dearly. It's one thing if you know about it, but another when you walk by and notice it's happening and you happen to be right there when it's happening and the things you love the most happen to have the most mark-downs. This is your moment friend. This is what you've waited your whole life for. Go!

8. Taking off your make-up

Even if you love make-up, and the end of the day, washing it off and feeling your fresh skin underneath, oh yeah!

The 10 Most Amazing Feelings in the World for Women

9. The thought that actually does count

No matter what it is or what reason, the moments when your significant other does something truly thoughtful. Like, when you're sick, he comes home unannounced on his lunch break with some hot soup from your favorite place to make you feel better or you've had a hard day at work and he's cued up your favorite show, even though he hates it, for you guys to watch together or you're pregnant and crazy, and he just rubs your feet until you feel better.

10. Taking off your bra at the end of the day

"nuff said.

The 10 Most Amazing Feelings in the World for Women

The 10 Most Amazing Feelings in the World for Women
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