The Book Of Dreams: Vol. 3 (Part I)

Vol. 2 Part II

Vol. 2 Part I

Vol. 1 Part II

Vol. 1 Part I


The Book Of Dreams: Vol. 3 (Part I)

One funny scene -for others, not for me-. The owner of a high school I used to go, arranged a meeting and gathered all the students' parents. Students were also present in the meeting. So what happened was, he told to my mom to stand up and come to the booth to tell everyone about something. Then my mom told everyone gathered there, that I suffered from Asperger's syndrome. I was present also, and I wanted to vanish from there, once I heard about it. Of course, the other students started to make fun of me, once they heard about it. I kept telling everyone to shut the fuck up, and throwing items to them. Side note: The high-school owner, was a popular soccer player during the late 90s-early 00s. Particularly, Juan Sebastian Veron. Weird eh?


The Book Of Dreams: Vol. 3 (Part I)

If I told you again I don't remember would you get mad? Sorry guys, I'm just being honest.


The Book Of Dreams: Vol. 3 (Part I)

The one dream, was about being at a sports court, and at some point we had a competition. We had to swim across the two swimming pools of the court, from the beginning to the end (once you got out from the first pool you had to go to the other). I was disqualified, because I tried to cheat. The winner won 500 EUR as a prize, but actually, I was the one who was wondering Where are my 500 EUR? And I was trying to find them. I woke up sweating after a while actually.

Now after sleeping again, another dream, and perhaps an even more dangerous one this time. I was a client and also a friend of a female escort and she suggested me to have sex with a male escort, in one of our sessions! I accepted, and I met with him...on a bus. As you realized it was public sex. At some point, a gang of kids came into the bus, and pulled a knife pointing it towards to us. Then the escort guy, pulled a knife as well and pointed to me. (We didn't took our clothes off)

I got up and started cursing him, then I left from the bus with my female escort friend who was sitting on the front seats of the bus, and I talked to her about what happened, as we were walking on a beach.

Some weird detail: On the beach there were a few gypsy kids selling chips, and they were shouting "Dirty chips! Dirty chips!"


The Book Of Dreams: Vol. 3 (Part I)

-Scene #1 I traveled to England by using a...ship, and arrived there in just four hours (from Greece). Impossible I know, but in dreams everything happens! Anyway there was an announcement on the island's announcement board, saying that if you're clean-shaven and have your hair styled, then you will be hit on by gypsy girls from Ireland. (The island I went, was located Northwest of England, and Southeast of Ireland).

-Scene 2
I read an article about face types, based on how opened/closed your eyes are, during your day. Like for example, if you have very open eyes, then you are an 8 AM person. If they are half closed then you have a 6 PM face. And then I wondered...what type of face Asian people have?


The Book Of Dreams: Vol. 3 (Part I)

A question made during my dream was, where the money we spend there go? The reason I asked this, is because I bought two pita kebab, and it was 10:30 PM. I regret what I've done of course because it was too late, and I'd puke if i ate them when I bought them. So I put the plastic bag with the food into my hoodie in order to eat them tomorrow at home (they'd be gross if I ate them next day, but what can I do?). Then i asked myself this question I mentioned, because it was a waste of money.


The Book Of Dreams: Vol. 3 (Part I)

It was a dream with a girl I met last night, and it was more like a long date. What's strange here is, that we didn't go for some drink or something typical like that. We took a walk through the ancient artifacts and monuments of our city.


The Book Of Dreams: Vol. 3 (Part I)

I just remember saving my mom from choking herself. She was angry at me for some reason and she was yelling to me, when she was eating. I got scared when she chocked herself, so I did my best to save her, by knocking her back!


The Book Of Dreams: Vol. 3 (Part I)

I went to a bakery to buy something, and when I was there waiting for my fringe fell off on the ground! I got shocked and asked the baker girl if it was just my impression. And what she replied? Fringe looks stupid anyway. Now what could I say?


The Book Of Dreams: Vol. 3 (Part I)

I remember only listening to Judas Priest's Defenders Of The Faith and Dark Star's self-titled albums...


The Book Of Dreams: Vol. 3 (Part I)

I was mentioning in an interview, that since my dad passed away, I was always viewing athletes or musicians, who are my father's age, as father figures even if I have never met them. Hm...I really wonder if such a thing is true, and I haven't realized it yet.


The Book Of Dreams: Vol. 3 (Part I)

I only remember walking the streets, trying to find out how to hit on girls. I also remember asking a guy I met on the street, for advice about flirting. The guy was like another guy who works at an electronics store in my area (fat, brown skin, beard and glasses)


The Book Of Dreams: Vol. 3 (Part I)

We went to a church with my mom and an old friend of mine, and we used a taxi. I was complaining during all the ride, because I dislike taxis. I forgot my sunglasses at home too. The friend of mine was a girl by the way, and my mom told me at some point to ask her out. But I wasn't finding her attractive! Anyway the reason we went to a church was for a baptism (it was an orthodox church). And the priestess (normally is a priest, but I don't know why this time it was a woman. Plus she wasn't wearing priest's clothes, but her regular clothes), wet us all during the baptism. I received 47 drops of water in total.


The Book Of Dreams: Vol. 3 (Part I)

On the bad side, i saw an old friend of mine turning into a beast during our fight. I screamed for help and my mother came. She killed him with comb. Then she went to the balcony, and threw the beast's corpse on the ground. I woke up sweating, and tried to sleep again. This time things were more positive though. I saw another old friend of mine, becoming famous thanks to his YouTube videos. Our national media were talking about him and they were describing him as a phenomenon.


The Book Of Dreams: Vol. 3 (Part I)

There was a concert being held in one of the shopping malls of my country, and I was the opening act (I was just a local solo artist, who just released an album in the spring of 1987. Basically a Bon Jovi rip-off to be honest.) Then the second act was Eric Martin (from Mr. Big, but he was a solo artist by the time) and the main act were Bon Jovi (it was during the Slippery When Wet tour). But now the strangest thing was, that it was supposed to be 1987 by the time this happened, but this Shopping Mall was founded in...1999!


The Book Of Dreams: Vol. 3 (Part I)

My mind is not clear, because I have lost count, on how many times I woke up/slept (I have a cough and it wakes me up when I’m sleeping). Funny fact: I woke up with my one sock off at some point. Don't understand why I took it off...but hey I am sober since the beginning of this year!

The Book Of Dreams: Vol. 3 (Part I)
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