Losing Hope: the Quickest Way To Die!


The only thing that brought me till here is mainly my hope. My hope of seeing bright days soon. I always thought that time will heal everything. I always thought that I can do. This hope made me chase my dreams without even getting tired. Because I knew that they will come true. Even it takes a lot of time.

Does the time that your dreams come true matter?

Losing Hope: the Quickest Way To Die!

Does time matter? I mean is it matter when to achieve your dream? Or is it okay to achive it, it doesn't matter when? Actually, it is better to achieve it even it is late than not to achieve it at all. But sometimes it takes so long that you may lose your hope slowly.

Good dreamers will do their best

Losing Hope: the Quickest Way To Die!

It doesn't matter how long it takes or what others say, good dreamers will do their best. They won't lose their hope easily.

There is nothing to do except waiting...

Imagine your doctor saying this. Would you still be hopeful, or lose it as soon as he tells you that? Good dreamers don't give up whatever happens. They will even have more hope. They will do their best! These words won't make them give up! Because they know that once they lose their hope, there will be nothing left.

You dream too high, be realistic...

I think if you can dream something, you can do it too. And people who tell that are the ones who can't do anything because they are coward and hopeless. They are afraid of taking a step to their dreams. They are afraid of being unsuccessful...

But there are times that they get tired too

Losing Hope: the Quickest Way To Die!

We are all a human being. There are times when we can't hold on anymore. There are times that we think about giving up because nothing changes.

Do you know what makes me hold on more?

I know that I will die the time I lose my hope

Yes I know that and remind it to myself whenever I think about giving up. When I look back, I see that I came so far. I feel happy because I could manage coming that far but on the other hand, I feel so tired. I feel so tired because nothing has changed. I feel like I can't stand anymore. I feel like giving up. But then I remember that one more time, my hope is the only thing that gives me joy of life.

Thinking about future is what makes me alive. If I lose my hope, there will be nothing left. Sure, I will be still alive but trully I will be dead inside.

Losing Hope: the Quickest Way To Die!
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