My Experiences of Living With Strangers


I left home four years ago with the hopes of striking it out on my own. It was meant to be a liberating eye-catching experience for me. I thought it would be better to co-habitat with people and learn to get comfortable with people in general. I had been on my own for two years and found it expensive to keep up with. I've enjoyed living alone by myself very much and thought it was time for a change.

I decided to rent a room from somebody to mainly save more money and cut down living expenses. I was open to the experience of living with other 'strangers' and thought it wouldn't be a bad idea after all.

This idea of mine turned out to be disastrous. I totally regretted it. Currently, I have lived in seven houses in the last two years. I am planning to move again in the next two months.

Looking back, I wish there was a living guide to refer to, in order to avoid pitfalls with disastrous people. Out of all the horrible experiences, I've now learnt to pick up the red flags quickly and make up my mind whether to move into some 'stranger's house, which I thought would be fine. But these people really eventually played up to the true definition of the word stranger, these people literally become stranger with their usual babbling, pet peeves and revealed their true nature as time past by.

My aim in this take, I will now elaborate on the checklist of important things, everyone must think through and about before deciding to actually move in with a few housemates or the house occupants.

1. Compatibility of Personality and their temperament.

Are you the social butterfly who can get along with many different types of people? Some people are easy to figure out. Some aren't. In my case, I found out, the person that is totally different in mindset, personal hobbies/interests and living habits WILL increase the chances of friction and animosity.

My Experiences of Living With Strangers

I found two months would go as smooth sailing before you start to witness their neuroses, unpredictable episodes or mental illnesses and things would start unfolding to worse possible scenarios. But it was more than what I could take. Seriously, I'm not a certified counselor or a mental health carer. It just got too much for me. Personally, I find it better to live with other like-minded people because my time isn't wasted and I get to do my own things without any interference.

One of the biggest problems, I had was also living with people who takes cleaning to an obsession, having a volatile nature and doesn't have much going in their lives other than just living daily to get by. They are also uptight, paranoid and checks on every door locked.

Once you know these differences have become so apparent, I'd advise you to move out. Give yourself from two weeks to a month find a new place elsewhere ASAP. Lesson learnt: the longer you stay, the more you'll suffer.

2. Privacy (or lack thereof).

Does the bedroom and the bathroom have a lock? If it doesn't, the possible chances are, it won't be convenient living in there. The house occupants especially their kids and housemates think they can just walk in anytime, they want, without KNOCKING the door FIRST.

Make Personal safety, your first priority of renting a room. Do not compromise ever.

My Experiences of Living With Strangers

3. House design and size of the room.

This is so important to know when you have a room that is part of the cluster of bedrooms built too closely to each others and also have a bath

My Experiences of Living With Strangers
room right next to yours, this will create more daily disturbances such as hearing the noises of the door being closed or slammed, people chatting and the sound of someone pressing the flush button in the toilet. It will definitely have an impact on your own personal space and time, night or day. The likely chances are if it is also a small sized house, this is probably not suitable for students and more so for quiet people to occupy in.

My Experiences of Living With Strangers

4. Noise level and frequency.

There has to be acceptable minimal level of noise, anyone can cope with and tolerate. Always observe the type of life style, the people lead. Activities like watching tv a lot and having it on from 9 am to 12 am and having friends over regularly for parties. You will definitely won't be a happy camper after two weeks. The chances are if they aren't quiet folks, you are better finding off another house to live in where people who are indeed quiet and respectful of keeping noise disturbance down.

My Experiences of Living With Strangers

5. Location.

Living in an area, that allows you to freely pursue your fitness activities, the better. If you are the type to want to jog in the morning or take a walk with the dog. It's better to find an area that is surrounded by lots of trees, parks, playgrounds and with less traffic but quiet roads for those recreational activities.

My Experiences of Living With Strangers

6. General cleanliness and personal hygiene.

Is the house kept clean and tidy every few days? Does the occupants or housemates clean up after themselves in the kitchen or after they make a big mess where ever they are? If they don't, the chances are, as I can guarantee you this. You will have to be cleaning up after them because if you don't, then no one will, the flies will gradually come in and become a nuisance in your face. The garbage trash not emptied after it's full everytime. The dirty plates in the sink will grow moldy. You will be THE one forced to deal with a swanky giant grease load, that will be hard to clean off after a week or two. Then you will have to apply more man power, time, extra chemical detergents created to wipe off that. The worst people to live with, can be guys who can't put down the toilet seat after pissing or not even flushing properly after their dump release, clean up their pube hairs in a pile in the corner and finishing up my new toilet roll that I've just put in two days ago. (They are using extra toilet paper to sanitize the toilet seat before doing their private business.) So have a good hard think after you have encountered these issues with your so-called friendly housemates after a few weeks or a month of living with them.

My Experiences of Living With Strangers
My Experiences of Living With Strangers
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