Annoying Double Standards And Other Unfair Things

Annoying Double Standards And Other Unfair Things

Note that I'm kinda triggered right now so if you're sensitive and can't stand a different opinion, take your sensitive ass away :D I may come off rude and offensive (sorry) but some people don't understand nice.


Asians in particular. Punchbags of society. As an Asian myself, I've been trying to get whiter skin. Why? Because 1. I'm naturally fair and I got a tan that won't go away and 2. white skin looks nicer for my face. Some people look nicer white and some don't. It's not a fucking race thing, it's a preference for me. So, because of that, I'm always on YouTube trying to find solutions to get rid of my tan and I always come across to these kinds of comments. Every single video.

1. "Why do you want to be whiter?"

2. "Stop black shaming" (????)

3. "Why do you want to look white? You're still Indian" (a lot of Indians do these kinds of videos)

4. "Please love yourself you are beautiful stop trying to whiten yourself"

Here are my answers:

1. It's a trend in a lot of Asian countries right now, just like how for example, Americans like a good tan

2. Uh? Just because we like white skin doesn't meet we hate black skin, it's a preference.

3. There are fair Indians in the world, honey. And again, IT'S A PREFERENCE.

Let me just rephrase your question: "Why do you want to look tanned? You're still white"

Now tell me your response and I'll use it as a response to your question.

4. Hmm, I think we all hate ourselves honestly. This has nothing to do with race. Stop being so narrow-minded and following whatever the internet tells you. In this world, all of us hated ourselves or do hate ourselves at some point in time, skin color could be an issue but even if it was resolved we would still find something to hate about. People who are truly happy I applaud you seriously you gotta go through some tough shit to reach that stage.

So yes, stop telling people to stop trying to make their skin white but then be okay with people wanting to darken their skin. It's wrong. As what the Internet says, you do you. Internet as in you. You yourself said to do you, so don't go around telling people what to do with their bodies. If it takes certain measures to get someone to love their bodies, let them do it. Not everyone can smile at their natural state.

#2 Feminism

Let me get this straight, I freaking love feminists and I love what they are doing. But there are some people who aren't part of the team yet they claim to be feminists. These are the people who think that women > men. Yes, as a woman myself I know we suffered a lot. But if we want a change, instead of trying to overpower men we should treat each other equally. Not all women are assholes, not all men are assholes. Being an asshole is a decision made by an individual, not destined by gender.

Why is it okay for videos to be uploaded of women pranking men or you know, doing something deemed unacceptable if it was a woman? It's okay to laugh at guys but not at girls? Because they are men and they aren't allowed to be pussies? Um... Equality where you at? Just because they were born with a dick doesn't mean they aren't allowed to feel. At this point, I feel sorry for some men.

Ooh and one more, I was on this beauty channel and the YouTuber started of her video with: "Hey girls" and everybody was soooo mad because she didn't include guys. What? -_- But "hey guys" is okay? My point is, people are digging deep to find something that offends them. Hey, girls aren't even offensive. It's so dumb. Hey, girls or guys, it's just an opening. The YouTuber probably didn't even think that far lmao. Everybody gets offended by everything these days, where were the days people could just laugh and take a joke? :(

#3 Black Lives Matter

Again, I support this. I really really do. But also again, people have been ruining the whole purpose of this campaign. Like, wasn't this made so that there will be equality for blacks and not black lives > white lives? I came across this post on Instagram where they had a picture of a black woman and a round nose or whatever, apparently it wasn't attractive or some shit though it looked fine to me. Anyway, the caption was: "Black baby girl don't let white people let you down about your nose, you're perfect" Had to rephrase it since I can't remember the exact words but that was that. And an Internet racial riot boomed in the comment section. A lot of white people were disappointed because they were tired of being claimed "racist". And guys, most of them aren't anymore.

To all the blacks out there who still thinks the world is against you because of your color, guess what? Nobody's against you. C'mon, it's 2017 do you all not see how much support you all are getting? Yes, you all were mistreated in the past. Correction: your ancestors not you. Stop living in the past thinking bad about whites and move on. In any way, you guys have more say than Asians. And I'm not even salty, every race got its issues. :)

And no, I'm not saying blacks are delusional angry people. NOT AT ALL. Please don't misunderstand me. my favorite group in Orange is the New Black is the blacks lol. I'm talking about some of extremists in the campaign, and in the comment section, there were blacks who were against the caption. Extremists are annoying in general. And can I just say they rude too?

Sorry for saying this, there were blacks in the comment section laughing and calling people ugly for being offended by the caption. Seriously, regardless your race don't call people ugly. These are the people that are rude and racist but if other people are rude and racist towards them it's a big no-no. LMAO, stop defending these asses, being racist and rude is just NO. Nobody gets special privileges. Wrong is wrong.

See, race don't define a person's personality.

#4 Body Positivity

Why do we have to pull one down to pull one up? You see, I'm happy for the overweight souls. I understand people in the past (and present) say shit about or worse, to them and it really ruins their self-esteem. So the fact that now people are so accepting towards them, it's really heartwarming.

But do we really have to drag the underweight souls? Hmm.


Annoying Double Standards And Other Unfair Things


Anyway, yes in case you didn't know, now it's okay to make fun of skinny people!! Like don't y'all (to those people only) feel fucking pathetic about yourself? One moment you're all "Omg yes slay girl you look so good" to "Shit damn eat a fucking burger and why haven't you flew off, feather"

I'm not even anorexic and even I feel shitty reading the comments. It's not okay to make fun of skinny people. Big ass, small ass, flat ass. Big boobs, small boobs, no boobs. If you're really part of the body positivity squad you'd know that everyone has a fucking body that needs love. If you beg to differ, change the fucking name to Fat Positivity or some shit.

Anyway, moving from the skinny issue.

Now we have the fat issue.

"Yippee, being fat is great let's lose myself and eat whatever I want because media loves me anyway" Of course nobody says that but this is what the fucking media is encouraging.

If the media didn't accept fat people, you think there will be a rapid increase of the fat souls? "love yourself" is bullshit, I'm sorry. 95% of the human race depend their self-esteem on the words of others. That's just us.

If you really love your body, you'll know that obesity is not okay FOR HEALTH'S SAKE. There's an increasing trend of people growing fat because media no longer says it's okay but THAT IS THE BEAUTY STANDARD (thank God not in my country). Y'all, 35% of Americans are obese. This is not okay, and we don't need anymore "body positivity" to endorse it further.

If you love your body, you'll love your fat body and because you love it so much, you know (everyone knows) the best way to take care of it is to feed it well with healthy food and exercise. Not giving yourself away to temptations and then pampering yourself with the media's words that you are beautiful even though you're one step closer to death. It's like there's a blindfold but on your mind.

Here's an example, a mother's love for a child. If the mother truly loves the child, she'll put in her 100% to make him the best. If she doesn't care of her child, she just let's him run wild and go into ruins. See my point?

I'm not saying skinny people have a lower chance of dying, and sometimes you fat but healthier than an athlete. But I'm talking about those people who have bad knees and other health problems because of their weight. These people, wake the fuck up. Stop pacifying yourself with all that bullshit and get yourself in shape, for yourself and not anyone else.

Lastly, transformation pictures. You got two pics, the left is the fat version, right is the fit version. And I salute these people, it really takes a lot of time, energy and patience. But damn some commenters :") "you look better before" "you skinny now" Why? Got a problem with someone wanting to lose the weight? Girl, she did not upload those pictures for you to say shit like that, that she shouldn't even have bothered trying because it made her uglier. Be happy for her? "you look good in both" cut the crap she doesn't care about her before pic BECAUSE IT'S HISTORY FOR HER. Don't these people get it oh gosh.

And I'm done. May have more but whatever I can't think. Sorry if I sounded mean, it's just all this stupidity that pisses me off. All these fake bitches that follow media like a damn dog. Trust me when media decides to stop supporting fat people, all those people who laughed at the skinny people? Yeah they gonna start buttering up their asses too. That day will come; it's just one big circle. So stop listening and following to all these lies on the Internet and follow your heart by opening your eyes.

Thank you :D

Annoying Double Standards And Other Unfair Things
38 Opinion