My Birthday, My Year: 1984

So I am kind of celebrating Gag just gave me a message that I won a 25 dollar gift card for Mytakes that I did for a month. It is pretty cool and I wanted to give back today partly because of that but also because I have the time to do it. So here are some highlights from the year that I was born :) and I want to do a shout out to some gaggers to do there own.




I love this movie, it takes place during Christmas which Christmas horror is pretty fun and it just has innocence, mayhem and silliness all wrapped up into one movie

My Birthday, My Year: 1984


This is another classic, it is probably the best ghost movie ever made, the right amount of humor, the right amount of seriousness, and the respect and believability of the source material

My Birthday, My Year: 1984

Neverending story

It is such an amazing movie and so filled with wonder and fantasy. It also really helps a person to find their meaning, that each persons choices effect things greater than themselves

My Birthday, My Year: 1984

The Last Starfighter

This to me is a movie about finding a second chance at life when where you are at seems to be nowhere, it is finding your niche and your significance in a big world

My Birthday, My Year: 1984


Footloose-Kenny Loggins

Classic dance song and a great radio hit from 1984

My Birthday, My Year: 1984

Oh Sherrie- Steve Perry

Classic Steve Perry that I can't get out of my head

My Birthday, My Year: 1984

One Love- Bob Marley

This is just my heart and just a great feeling song

My Birthday, My Year: 1984

Neverending Story -Limahl

Yeah this is cheating so sue me and also Ghostbusters with Ray Parker Jr. Would have been a great pick too but I just love this song and I get so lost in it

My Birthday, My Year: 1984

TV Shows:

(these were playing or were at least on tv during 1984)

Inspector Gadget

I loved this show, so funny and filled with gags

My Birthday, My Year: 1984

Fraggle Rock

I love jim Henson and this was a great example of his work

My Birthday, My Year: 1984

Muppet babies

This show is a captures the muppets personalities while allowing you to enjoy their younger years

My Birthday, My Year: 1984

Video Games

both of these games got a lot of play back in the day :)

Duck Hunt

My Birthday, My Year: 1984


My Birthday, My Year: 1984

And apparently
Sony and Philips introduce the first commercial CD Players

My Birthday, My Year: 1984


Genetic fingerprinting or DNA profiling was developed and is now in wide by Forensic scientists when obtaining evidence in a crime

My Birthday, My Year: 1984

So that about sums up as much as I am going to do for my birth year... lets see...






I challenge you to highlight favorite things from the year that you were born and Challenge some other gaggers to do the same

My Birthday, My Year: 1984
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