Dear stranger, I wish you the best


Dear stranger,

I know things have been quite harsh and chaotic recently and maybe they have been affecting you to an extent. If you feel down, sad, stressed or just bad in general, know that my heart is with you. I believe that you will push through these hard moments. Just look at you, you have survived everything you went through so far like a champ, you're still there and still kicking. Nothing has managed to stop you or bring you down so far.

I believe in you. If you feel like you are at the bottom of the pit, I believe that you will have the strength to get back on your feet and climb out of it. I wish you all the strength and courage to go through these tough times.

If the recent event or circumstances have brought a lot of negativity into your life, don't forget to give attention to the positive aspects of life : notice how good your food tastes, how nice it feels to take a nice warm shower, how great it feels to wake up well rested, remember all the nice people you have met in your life and how awesome you think they are, how some people think that you're a great person. There are a lot of positive things in this world and, when negativity tends to grow, don't forget to leave room for positivity and surround yourself with it.

Don't forget to take care of yourself because you are the only person in the world that can provide you with happiness. You are precious, don't neglect yourself. You deserve love and it's okay to give yourself some love, some care, to dedicate some time to just yourself, especially during harsh times. You matter, your happiness matters, never forget that.

I wish you the best and I hope reading this made your day a bit better. :)

- Another stranger

Dear stranger, I wish you the best
Dear stranger, I wish you the best
12 Opinion