How to stop being fearful/afraid of failure in ANYTHING in your life!


How to stop being fearful/afraid of failure in ANYTHING in your life!

Most human's today are afraid of failure and are scared to take risks in their lives and taking risks and failure is an amazing thing and can lead to extraordinary experiences in ones life.

I've been thinking about failure and beliefs a lot recently and I realised something... Something that could possibly remove the fearfulness Of failure... Because let's face it NO ONE LIKES FAILURE.

So here it is...

How to not be afraid of failure:

Brainwash yourself.

Brainwash yourself into thinking failure is inevitable in everything you do... If you do fail at what you're trying to do you wouldn't have lost anything because you already knew you was going to fail in the first place and you most likely (if you've planted the seed that failure is inevitable) won't be discouraged.

But if you succeed in what you thought you was going to fail at... Imagine how you'd feel?

How to stop being fearful/afraid of failure in ANYTHING in your life!

How to stop being fearful/afraid of failure in ANYTHING in your life!
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