A random guy keeps staring at me?

Okay so I was walking towards the bus stop and passed this blond guy already waiting there. As I walked past him, I looked up, and glanced at him for a few seconds too long because I thought he was cute. We made awkward eye contact.
Anyway no big deal I moved over to the side of the group of people waiting. As we were all waiting a bunch of us were peering down the street to see if the bus was coming. Me and the guy ended up making eye contact around twenty times, and I was always the one to look away. All he did was stare.
Anywho, we got onto the bus, and the same thing happened because every time I looked around he was already staring.
I ended up getting off two stops early because I didn't know what the hell was happening, and I thought it was awkward.
Today he was at the bus stop again, and instead of looking to the left (that's the direction the bus was going to come from) he just stared at me for random intervals. Everytime I caught him looking, I would look away really fast, but he would just continue to stare... boldly.
I know that typically this means a guy thinks a girl is attractive, but I think I'm nothing more than average looking (although people tell me otherwise)
I'm middle eastern, with medium toned skin, and big brown eyes (my best feature) he's tall, and blond, and really attractive. So I really don't as to why he would be staring...
A random guy keeps staring at me?
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