Are women in Europe , especially Germany, really THIS attractive but only considered "average"?

I was reading an article about BMW's plans to manufacture a carbon fiber 3-series in the future blah blah blah. Anyways, the photos on the article showed a blonde woman who was either an engineer or technician doing stuff with carbon fiber. Here is the photo:
Obviously, we can all agree she is attractive, some of us may even say 9+/10.

However, then I came across the comments in the article and here's the conversation that took place:

And the original article:

According to the commenter, women like her are just "average", even though many men (at least here in the US) would say she's 8+/10. He also said it's not just Germany and that women in Scandinavian countries are also the same way. Is this really the case? Or is he over-exaggerating it? This boggles my mind...
Are women in Europe , especially Germany, really THIS attractive but only considered "average"?
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