Are Dr. Phil, Steve Wilkos and similar guys blatantly SEXIST against men?

Just another day in the feminist countries. I get that these people are old and do not understand the extent of gynocentrism, or the damage that it has done to a whole generation of men. Or the lives that it has destroyed, legal and societal bias.

That's because they are biased and brainwashed by gynocentrism too. Look at how they treat the bad boys and then look at how they treat the bad girls. There's a huge difference. They are brutal with the lads, especially steve wilkos who gets physically abusive. But they give bad girls SPECIAL TREATMENT and are nowhere near as ruthless. They enjoy their secondary status in society. And it's SICKENING.

Just like every other system in these feminist countries. There is no equality folks. Do you agree?
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After doing a bit of research I found that there was an episode on FALSE RAPE ACCUSATIONS on steve wilkos. The video has been removed from the internet by the feminist community, aka mainstream society. The falsely accused were actually BOOED on that show and SHAMED by the women in the audience.
Are Dr. Phil, Steve Wilkos and similar guys blatantly SEXIST against men?
Post Opinion