Is your house a mess or clean?

Is your house a mess or clean?

Is your house a mess or is it clean.
If it is a clean how do you keep your house clean.
Do you have no problem with doing the dishes, are you doing it together or alone.
If your house is a mess, how do you do that? Do you just not bother where you slosh everything and are you calm and peacefull or are you unhappy and misarable and actually need help. Do you stand alone or do you have help? Is there troubles in the family or are you on your own.

Could you explain your situation a little bit how it is because I think it can be hard sometimes to keep the house clean especially because sometimes we also get sick do we then get help of others or will somebody else do also something or do you on your own keep the house clean. I am very curious about that. Does your husband or partner support you or are you on your own , do you have it easy to keep the house clean or complecated.

Do you know how it can be your house is a mess if it is a mess ofcourse and what the reason is behind it. Do you also now the reason behind to keep a house clean?
Are you then more organized? Are you then more happy and healthy if you manage to keep your house clean.
+1 y
I start to think that people who's house is a mess do not want to respond.
Is your house a mess or clean?
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