Do you have nosy married siblings?

and if you do how you do deal with them? I have a married nosey sibling that has to butt in in things she is not ask to get involved. My married sister lovees to act as an inspector each time she visit us and my mom at home. She even comes to my roomand see if it is organized or not if it is messy or not and if it is messy she questiones me and say why you have your room that messy. When she goes and check my mom bedroom she is the same, to check if the maid clean it good or not days before.

When i go to her house I dont say a word about her room, kitchen etc etc beauase her house is modern and nice.

She says if she likes to check is beause she cares and wants our house to be nice and clean. I mean not tha we have it all messed up but she can't stay quiet and she has always to say something about what she sees in my house I live with my brother and mom. She lives in her house I live in mine.

She also treats me like I neglect mom beauase since she does not live in my house she can't really see if I take care good of her or not. So she treats me like a kid, giving me guidelines on things like she is my teacher and Im a student. geez im a full adult.
Do you have nosy married siblings?
1 Opinion