Do you have a nosy sibling?

Even if your siblign is married and does nto live in the house with you, therefore she does nto know what is going on in your daily life? My sister is nosy with all what is going on in the house, she needs to know almsot everything but Im not nosy when it comes to her life or what she does on her social life or where she goes to or who she hangs out with. But she has to knwo where I go when I going out socially and how was my day. We are both adults.

My sister hangs out often with her friends and I know that for the social media status she post on her social media accounts, not becaue she tells me directly each time she hangs out. But I never ask her where is the photo from or what she was doing with her BFF socially even if I saw at her status.

Well but when she finds out either from our mom mouth or my brother tells her as part of a conversation not on purpose (not because I tell her directly, because I dont do that), my sister has to knwo where I went, with whom and after I return from the get together, she has to know if I had a good time.

Do you have a nosy sibling?
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