Do you consider bare legs distracting?

So one thing that most people seem to give no thought to, yet that really distracts me personally, is bare legs.

Bare arms I don't mind, but bare legs... maybe I'm just prude, but it just feels too revealing, and like too much skin is showing.

The arms are relatively small in comparison to the rest of your body... it's only like 10% of your body showing if you bare your arms completely in a sleeveless shirt.

But the legs. They're pretty big. If you bare your legs in really short shorts that just cover the butt but offer no leg coverage, then you're basically half naked, as the legs are about 50% of your body, and the torso is about 50% of your body. Especially if you have really long legs, and your legs become more like 60% of your body, and it becomes even more revealing.

Now some leg I don't mind, but when your clothing goes above your knee, then it bothers me.

Above the knee should be allowed only at the beach... and as for speedos and bikini bottoms? They should never be allowed. They're way too immodest, as they look like underwear.

Of course, this is all my opinion... but that's my take on the topic. I think people have become a bit too lenient and overly comfortable with bodies.
Yes. I think people should cover up their legs.
No. I don't care if people bare their legs.
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Do you consider bare legs distracting?
12 Opinion