Do you think skinny people tend to be meaner than normal/overweight people on average?

I know this is a tired stereotype, but I often wonder if there is truth to it. In my experience, thin people seem to be more judgmental and hypersensitive, while heavier people seem more laid back and friendly on average. I know this is a generalization, and I'm not saying this is factual (just wondering).

What have you noticed? (if anything at all)
+1 y
Some of you really need to read the whole post before you decide to get offended and bitch about how "incorrect" I am. I NEVER ESTABLISHED ANY OF THIS AS FACT, it's a fucking opinion. If you disagree, then fine, just don't act like a little bitch about it.
Do you think skinny people tend to be meaner than normal/overweight people on average?
34 Opinion