What's a fun old-fashioned phrase that you like and want to keep alive?

What's a fun old-fashioned phrase that you like and want to keep alive?
In honour of my dad, who still to this day, says this phrase, which I love
In honour of my dad, who still to this day, says this phrase, which I love
There are so many that I like. For ex:

Hot diggity
Lickety split
Tickety boo
Frick and frack
Flotsam and jestsam
Bad juju
Great balls of fire
Heebie jeebies
Hocus pocus
Fiddle dee dee
The whole shebang
Jumpin' jehosaphat
Bob's your uncle
The cat's meow
'Til the cows come home
A different kettle of fish
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
What's a fun old-fashioned phrase that you like and want to keep alive?
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