Do you remember our sun being called a yellow giant star?

Do you remember our sun being called a yellow giant star?
It started when I was a kid. It was very rare, but in the last few years I've begun jumping bodies a bit more often. I just jump into other people in other places and experience what they experience. There's a dark planet with almost no light that's my favorite.

More recently, I began jumping into myself in other dimensions. That's the worst!

So, now we get to the problem. I think I'm stuck in the wrong dimension or something. A fact that I have known to be fact for nearly 30 years is suddenly not a fact. No one else even remembers it being fact. It's not like when Pluto stopped being a planet and people remember that still. No, it's like if you walked outside right now and commented on a red car. Then, everyone starts asking you what is this word "red"? You know red is a color everyone is supposed to know, but suddenly no one knows. I always knew our star was a yellow giant, but suddenly it's a white/yellow dwarf. It 100% was a yellow giant in everything I read as a kid. I was obsessed with reading about space for awhile as a kid. Dwarf stars were really interesting to me, and our star was not a dwarf. I always viewed them as super alien with little cold planets around them.

So, does anyone else remember our star being a yellow giant, or am I really stuck in the wrong place?
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Do you remember our sun being called a yellow giant star?
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