Do you see someone not holding their gaze while talking to you as a sign or weakness? Or even just a bad sign overall?

Cause i struggle holding a gaze. I just feel weird lol 😂
Do you see someone not holding their gaze while talking to you as a sign or weakness? Or even just a bad sign overall?
Do you see someone not holding their gaze while talking to you as a sign or weakness? Or even just a bad sign overall?
Yes its a sign of weakness to me
No but its still a bad sign overall
No i dont see it as a bad sign
It depends (please explain)
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+1 y
I maintain you can still be confident but not hold a gaze when talking to people :p
+1 y
I have wondered if i was on the autist spectrum too but i never got tested for it though
Do you see someone not holding their gaze while talking to you as a sign or weakness? Or even just a bad sign overall?
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