Can acting like a bully get rid of social anxiety?

I’m not condoning this at all I’m just genuinely curious if there’s some kind of psychological reasoning behind this question. Bullies are extremely insecure, but in public they engage in bullying activities even strongly judging others in their heads which completely takes the focus off of themselves. Even if they are faking confidence they look very calm and poised. Victims like myself that also have anxiety are much more insecure because we are actively focusing on ourselves wondering if others are judging our every moves and we have to face severe symptoms due to social anxiety. Bullies aren’t as anxious because they are the main perpetrators they don’t have to fear much because they are the bullies. Will acting like a bully for a while get rid of anxiety? Since we’d be actively putting our attention on others rather than ourselves.
Can acting like a bully get rid of social anxiety?
1 Opinion